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Quarterly Subscriptions

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J he Liberty Friends in otlier States have lel; the neeessity of extending a knowledge of ÏEiiber tv principies nmong those who do not wk B weekly anti-slavery paper. In Ohio, I.'linois. iVlaine, and New York. the Tract systcm is in full operation. Instead of this, we propose 16 furnish the Signa! of Liberty for; Wf.rks, to new subscribers. for the low price pi Twentij Five Cents; not for the sake o( any profits than enn be realized at that price. hut bè' cnuse we wi?h a knowlcdge of our p inciples to be extensïv ly circulated arnong those who nrc not subscribers. and no botter nnd chénper medium than the Press can l.e devised. The paper wil! contain more reading matter than any paper in the State. excepting ihose pu!)lis!ied in Detroit. We shall insert large antislavery 6clections, snitcd to the inportant e'ection now pendin;r, and alsn the usual variety of intelüence. The sub seription price is smal!, and we otight to receive severa! thousnnd 6ubscribers in a few weeks. iETWe liope t'iis proposition wil! be intnduced into eaclt county convent on. and subscriptions taken ip at vhe time of the meeting. ILfln conchipion. we have onc word lr sny tn e gtnuinti loirki H g li'ierty man. Yon sometimes say to yourseif,"! should like to do somcihmc for the liberty canse; bul Í cannot wiite. nnr deliver le'HuTs. and I liave no funds. I would do soniPthin if f knew huw." Here is'sofnefbiftg yu can do. You have at least onc. ncighbor or friend who can be induced to tnke nnd rrad ]2 iiberty papers, and pay 25 cnnis for them. I( lie has not the money. you can aerrre witli hirii to order tho paper lor him, and charpe it to hiifl on bonk anco'int. I ;i thiswav he can easilv pily for t. and it will cost you otiiing. [f each subscriber will get ns one more, thonnrh it ba only for three montlis. we will warrant an incr''a.p in the liherty voie in the fall which wül nstonish every one. Do not wnit foryour neighriorw. bui recoilect the nee of mi rocíes is paet,& slnvery can only bc aboüsticd throush a chanjrR of vipws in ibe cotnmuniiy. and ihat chanern can only ! induited by rnv. t.sütii presentpd io single Minds Quartfir!y subscriptions will he recnived iTiiniodiatelv;to commence on the I5th of Julv. A the vory low price wc offer tlicm, no papers will be sen f wiihout pay. N. B. Posttnasters will forward payments if requested.


Signal of Liberty
Old News