Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (W.C.C.A.A.)

Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (W.C.C.A.A.)
c/o 812 Henry Street
Ann Arbor, Ml 48104
Information: Kathleen Fowler 761-6246
The Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA) is a group of both students and members of the Ann Arbor community who are concerned about South Africa's racist system of apartheid. In general, we are opposed to the institutionalized social, political, and economic system in South Africa by which black people are denied baste human rights, including the right to vote, live where they choose, and hold employment.
We exist as a group to support the struggles of South African and Namibian people for the total liberation of their countries. As violent opposition to the government in South Africa continues to rise, we feel our support as United States citizens to these struggles is crucial in order to ensure that our governments role promotes the democratization of South Africa, and that it does not to bolster the crumbling apartheid system. The WCCAA works to educate Americans about the living conditions of the people of South Africa as well as to support political and economic sanctions against the government of South Africa.
We support total divestment of the City of Ann Arbor's money (general funds, pension funds, etc.) from firms doing business in South Africa. The WCCAA also organizes educational events and fundraisers to support the anti-apartheid movement.
The History of WCCAA
WCCAA was created 16 years ago. In 1977 and 1978, WCAAA worked to convince the Regents of the University of Michigan to divest money from all companies doing business in South Africa which did not abide by the Sullivan Principles. The Sullivan Principles are guidelines for U.S. companies in South Africa which try to stop discriminatory employment and wage practices. The U of M Regents agreed and they divested from two companies in 1978 that were not complying with the Sullivan Principles.
From 1981 to 1983, WCAAA pressured the University to divest its stock shares from all companies doing business in South Africa. In response to a growing statewide divestment movement, the Michigan State Legislature in 1982 amended the State's Civil Rights Act to compel all State educational institutions to divest themselves from organizations doing business in South Africa. The legislation was sponsored by Representative Perry Bullard of Ann Arbor, and WCCAA members worked closely with him to get this law enacted.
Despite overwhelming support for divestment from students, faculty, and the University community, the governing Board of Regents voted to challenge the constitutionality of the legislation.. In 1984, the Regents agreed to divest 90% of their South African holdings, but withheld divestment from the other 10% and filed suit. WCCAA is following this case very closely through member Robert F. Gillett, who is one of the attorneys that has filed an Amicus Brief in support of the State Legislature's passage of the law.
We know that WCCAA has been able to influence past University divestiture actions, and we hope to continue to demand a just response from the University as well as the City and State on divestment issues. We are strongly committed to international divestment as we see this as a form of protest which the South African government cannot ignore.
Meeting Times and Places
Our meetings from May through August will be on the third Tuesday of every month at Quaker House unless you should see otherwise in Agenda or the Observer. Call about April meetings.
Community Services
We have a Speakers Bureau, with a number of different speakers available upon request. WCCAA also publishes a newsletter with plans for on an April-May issue. Cali us if you want more information or wish to help.
Coming Events
On April 15, we will show a film about South Africa at Quaker House, 1416 Hill, at 7:30 PM. Unfortunately, we cannot tell you the title because, depending upon availability, it may be one of several films we have requested. Leaflets will be posted around town or you can cali WCCAA for more information
University of Michigan - Board of Regents
Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apartheid (WCCAA)
Michigan State Legislature
The Agenda
Ann Arbor Observer
Old News
Kathleen Fowler
Perry Bullard
Robert F. Gillett
Ann Arbor
South Africa
812 Henry Street
Quaker House
1416 Hill Street