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PloiihsTPlougÍs! Oy CJVY'T BE BEJT Lq TIJ F subscribcrs liave constant'y ou lmnd larcc aisortmPiit tíf FLOUGHS, of n superior qunlity, which they oíler íor snle as CHEAP as can be pnrcliased at nny other plice in tliis Coiiniy. Thoso wishing to purcimso wil! piense c;itl n'rid examino for theinselves PA RTRÍDGES, KENT & CO. Ann Albor. April 20, J 8'KÏ. 52-tf! LAID8 ' FÖRTALÈr TIJK uinleisignecl is auihorised to sell eeveral tracts of land in the eoiinües of St. CJair Sarin;iy. Safulac, Wpphtennw nul Lcnawi-B at their cish vnhio. ainl lakein pay.nient Siate Scrip and Warranisflí par, or their equivalent in cash; or lic will proportionaio terms on time. Tiiecnslí valué iii.iy be nsccnained. if desned. hy apprnisëVs Koïen' by the purdinser and su'b'scriher. Tbc Wíishtenaiv lands consist of J 18 acres in tho lown of Webster, eliglvllj iniproved. of enrly and clioice selection. and 2M acres 0 miles bclow Vpsilanti, on the River Hurón, haylng rich bottom and upper lanc's. prood timber, running woler, corn and wlieat soil, exceilent sitos for'buildinc stirroundcd ly setllenn nts, good íoads nnd milis. About 30 acres liave been under cultivation. CIIA'S II. STEWAIIT, '17 tf .íel!c:son Avenue. Dt-Mioit.MiBlincry & Oress i?ïaking-. Mus. C. BUFFFINGTON, "O ESPECTFÜLLY announces to the nX habifanls of' Ann Arhor and vicinity, that she has oponed a shop, midwoy, between the upper and lower villnge?,where the business of M1LUJVERY $ DRESS MJJKIJYG will be enrried on, in all ifs brnnches. witli punctiiality , despatch, and in l!ie best and most iasliionable style. AnnArbor, April C, 1343. 50 ly POTASIJ Kctiles.. C; Sugor Ketiles, Pu'asli Boilers. Fivo Pail Kiiilcs, ;ind sniall liollow Ware; Mili Genrin'gi WágS'n Boxps, PIduwIi postiflge, &c. c. con.stnntly on lumd. or Hinde at short notice at ilie Áíí.íi AHBOR STKAM FOUNORY. PARTRIDGEëj KENT & CO. M.irch 23, Ig43i 'S)-2m'TREE LABOR" i'j&RÖUS STÊPENS #■ SAMUEL ZUG, HAVE laken the rooms in llie luwcr end oi the Whiie Biock'; difectly opposite tlie Michiiiaii Exchangc. where tliey will keep an e.tensivc nssortnifiit oí' EUËBIJYET WARE of every kind, qu;ility. and desmption, of' iheir bwn mnnuliictnrip.g. and worraniéd io Lc as fashonable. i,'ood, and chenp as can !;o hnd West ot New York. Purchasersnic requested to cali nnd examine onr exteusive asöOitniem before Imying. Any nniclc of Furniture made to order, and IVarrantal to pienso. ITHOLSTERING done in all its varimis branches, and at the shorrost notiee. C:HA1IÍS. ],O()KI.G CLASSES. AND '■Vü.l.OW WARR; nl?o. m&lvdgatoj Boards and Venteers - ascheep ns the rlieapesl. ín exehanfre. CUEHIIY, IVALNÜT, AND MAPLE LUMBIIR, c. fa, fa STEVEAS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17, 1843. 5i-3mJU J2 J UFA C T UR 'E R S Jl NJJ JUERCHJiATS. THE subscribers nre uow icjcivídít, it ilicir stores. 188 J( fTn-soji Ayenuj;, md corner of ltanll)li aml WoodliriiJge stieeis, Dciioit, a larce and irenoml stock of Dye Woods Sc Bye StuiTs. 35 tons L'oafwdötf, Puïric, lniicvoo(i. Nicarr:i_'ii!i, liyponiic Wond. in ilie stick, Ï3ubbls. ground Cunwoyi], 150 do Fusti.j 120 do" Lonwuort. 100 do lied woods, 20 do Aluin, 6 ItHds Copppr.'is. 4 do Ulue Vitiiol. 4 pipes Oiiibre and Crop Madders, ptimo, 500 Iba Extract Lógwoód, 600 do Bengal, Mndras nnd ('nrnccaa Inciigo, 300 do Blue Nutpalls, (Allcppo.) '2Q do Fowdored Cúrcuma, LM) do Verdigris,10 Cari.oys Oil Vitriol. 0 do Aquí l'Vtis. 4 do Spirits Sc.-i .Snit?, 4 do Nitrii; Acid, 2 case? Lac Dvo, Ml !bs. Banquo Tin. "0 do Crcam Tartar. 500 do Qnereciron Bark. Togethcr with a completo assortment of a!l the minor arricies in the irade. o wit: l'.iss Papers. Tenzles, Hnishes. Jnélte, Tent Uooks. DyeKettlos, TiokciR, Bufling Irons, Nippers. Pnissinteof T'otash, Sal Amonjoc, Sal Soda, Sugar of Lead, Steel R'eecfs, Cnrd Cleaner?, MACHINE CARDS, Satinett Warps. Shenrs, &c. Tliis n tire stock has been purchased within tho Inát iwo weéftö, and sclccted persoonlij' ly one ol the (oncern, who has been in the l.usinoss for the Inst eleven yuars, and they have no heM!atiun in sayinir ihat tlie qualiiy of these poods is unexceptiohijole. Tlicy will 1)0iiivly le sold at the l(iwest New York jobb'ïhg prices. with the addiiion of transporlation only. The siibpcribers have the solc Agency in thia State for (he sale oí 'M'AÜSON'S SHEARIXG MACHINES," ïrïd the celohrntcd "LFJCESTFJl MACHINE CARDS," dccidedly the best in use. THEO. II. JCATON, & CO. April II. 1843. 51 tfE. DBAH'S CELEB RAT ED CHEMICAL PIASTER. TB'E folio wing is onu liorn nmong the numeroiS testimoniáis frorn persons of tho iiighest respcclnbility, whicli ihe proprietors havo receivud. FrOlfl KimUall Porter, Esq. Mayor of iho own of VVooster, O., (one of" tl.c finn of "Noil, W,„(. ,V: Co.) I ilo herehy cerlify ihat I lmvo used ;iE. Ocan's Chemicn! Piaster, for Chronic Rkcumaiistn iv the fpting of' 1840. and found t a cc.rLavl ntro. niid havo 1101 heen troublefl widi tho complairt sincp. K. l'ORTEll. Woqster, Vflyne Co., O., Dec. 1Í). '-!2. 5 CTFor the disenses n which this PInster isopjlic;ible. see ndvenisetnent in nnoilier colunin of this poper. E. Dcan'sChoniical Piaster is for sale in Ann Albor, (Lower Tnwn.) by .T. II. LUND, nnd W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Upper CHRISTIAN EBERI5ACH, J Town ■l'J-Iy


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