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Miscellany: May-day

Miscellany: May-day image
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Moy-(!:iy in Now-Yoik is thcsnridest lliing, to one wlio has been used 10 Immin niosses by Die brook, uud [wddluijf in i's w.iicr.- Brick wallf, mstcad of b.idding tree-, and rattliug rtlieols, inlieu of ejiig'iïg bird, are bad enoiigli; but to mako the mutier wurte. all New York moves on tlie l.-t of Muy; nul only moves aboul, as usual, in the cvci lusting hurry-sc 'rry o' bu.-iiidss, but uue lioue cmpiies ltseU" into nnother, all over the city,. 'J'ne Btreeisarc l'tiil of luadtd drays, on wluc.'i tubits are dancing, and carpols rolin-g to and fto. öin;ill diuiri,- whicii brmy up tuc!i ptetty, cozy iniiiges of rolly-pooly inuii'kení und inaidiclieni, e:i ing slipper i'roin tilttíd j o:riugers, and sf.illing llie mük on their mglitgownp, - ihese go rickt'Uing along on the top of b:.-t!s and bineauá, and iot unficqucnllyplfch iiuo the streel, nnd so fiili isundcr. - Childreu are Jrivmg liiüier and yon, one with a flower-pot in liis hand.auother wüli a workbox, or oil -caiiakin; eacli so intent npon hiá important misión, iliat all tiie world seems to him (is t does u niauy a tüepl gum) sa;o ly locked up wkhin twe lililu walls lic c;nries. Luckily, botli boy and bigot are mistaken, or uiiiik.iid wo'.ild b in a b;id box. t-ure enongli. The dojs seetn bewilJt-rcd v'illi tlns universal traiif-inigiution of bodas; and as tbr tlie cats, they sit on lljc door steps, mowing mosi )iteiiHly, tliey were nut bom in tlio middle ages, nr at least in tbc quiot old pDrtiun of the v )dd. And I, who have as slrong a love oflocalitierf as poor puás, turn away Jroni the windows wilh a suppressed anathema on the nii;eieenth cuntury, with its perpetual clianopi. Do yu want an nppropnw'c otnbletn of tliis cjuutry, ond tbiá ge? Then stand on walks of New York, (if you can Jind a staniiuig placej and vvatcli the universal transit on the First of May. The facilily and speed with which our peoplc cliunge )olitics, and move from sei-'t to eect, and theory lo theory, is comparnlively slow ond mosá-grown; unies.-;, indeed, one except the Rev. Ü. A. Brovvnson, who seems to stay in any spiritual residence a much shorter time than the New Yorkers do in their houses. It is the custom here, forthose vvliü move out to leave the uccumuMed dust nnd dirt of the yeor, ibr those to clear up wIjo enter. I npprehend it iá somewhat so wit li nll the ecclesiastical and civil establishment?, which have so long been let out to tennnts in rottition. Tlos-e wlio enfer them, must rnnkea great sweeping and scrubbino-, if lliey vvoiild liave a clean hubitation. That ppople movq so often in this cify, is penerally a maiter of thoir owi: volition Aspiratrons afier the irifiniie, lead them to pérnétuul chanjre, in the restless liope of iindmg sometliing better, and be:tor slill. But thi'y would nnt raise the price ofdrnyf, and pu!g-ct tliemselvos to exiiorbitant chargoüaml greal inconvenienec, by nioving all on om: duy, vere it not thut tfie luw cotnpels everyboily who inlends to move it nll, to qtiit his prem ir-es befure Uveive o'clock, on Mny morniuj'. F.-iiling to do this, the pólice will put him and liis goodsinto the treet, where they will farenrjc.'i like a boy hside nn uuset horfiël's nest. Tlie object of this regulation is to liave tlie Directory for the yearorrangeS vvitb accutacy. For as theologiañ?, aid somc rcronncrs, can p?rci'ive no luglier mission for human souls thanto nrrange theinselves rnnk ond file ín sectamn platoon?, so the civil authorilies do not appreliend tliat a citizen has nny more important object Cor living, just at this season, iban to liave bis name f-et in a wel! ordered directory. Ilowevcr, Iiuman beings are such creaLures ofliabit aml imitation, liiat wliat is necessily socm becomes fashioo, and each o:ie wWHes to do wlmt every body else is doing. A lady in the ncin-hl orhood closcd all lier blinde and slnitters, last May-day; ond being inqiiiicd of by her ncquaintance wlicther sbe had been in iliu country, the answered, 'I was asiinifd not to be moving on the first of May; uid so 1 shut op tlie house, tliat the neighbors miglit not know it.' One conld not well iningine a tact n:orc cbiracteri--tic oftlie dfspotie swóy'öf'custoin and pubüc opinión in the Uniti'd Stütes and lbo niruteentli contury. - LOÜiis Ii;cka? remark tlüit 'it takes live lïfi to swhn vp stream," is einphatically true óf Ibis agennd country, ir. vvhich liberty-caps abound, but no onu is tllowt-d to wear them.


Signal of Liberty
Old News