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Common terms and names in the politics of the Region

African National Congress (ANC) -- South African liberation movement founded in 1912. Banned by the government and forced underground in 1961.

Afrikaaners -- White South Africans of Dutch descent; about 60% of the white population

Banning -- A form of house arrest by which the government silences its critics. Banned individuals cannot be published or quoted, and their movements are restrained.

Bantustans (Homeland) -- Name for barren wastelands making up 13 percent of South Africa's land; the only places where Africans can live permanently. 

Bantu -- White South Africa's racist term for black people.

Black Consciousness Movement -- A movement banned by the South African government which stresses pride in African heritage. It insists that blacks must take the initiative in their struggle for freedom. 

Black Spot -- Land in rural areas occupied by blacks, sometimes for generations, in "whites only" areas of South Africa. These communities are the first target of forced removals.

FRELIMO -- Front for the Liberation of Mozambique. Governing party in Mozambique which freed it from Portugeese rule in 1975.

Frontline States -- Countries neighboring South Africa which present a united front against aprtheid.

MPLA -- Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola; the governing party in Angola which freed it from Portugeese rule in 1975.

MNR -- Mozambique National Resistance. A South African-supported terrorist group operating in Mozambique; infamous for burning crops, bombing bridges and mutilating people's faces. 

National Party -- The ruling party in South Africa led by the Afrikaaners. It came to power in 1948 on a platform of white supremacy; it legalized apartheid and stripped blacks of all rights.

Nkomati Peace Accord -- By supporting the MNR and carrying out sabotage against its neighbors, South Africa has forced Mozambique to sign agreements which forbid it to militarily support the ANC and PAC. However, South Africa has not carried out its promise to end support for the MNR mercenaries.

Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) -- South African liberation movement founded in 1959 based on black nationalism. Banned by the government in 1961.

Passbook -- A document all blacks must carry at all times. Whites are not required to have one. Failure to carry a passbook results in arrest and jail for blacks.

Pass Laws and Influx Control Laws -- Laws which control the movement of blacks. These laws forbid blacks to live in "white" areas and help the white government control workers. 

SWAPO -- South West Africa People's Organization. The liberation movement fighting to free Namibia since 1966.

Soweto Uprising -- On June 16, 1976, South African police gunned down students in Soweto who were peacefully demonstrating against apartheid education. This began a series of protests and clashes with police throughout the country.

Sullivan Principles - A "fair employment code" for U.S. businesses operating in South Africa.

UNITA -- National Union for the Total Independence of Angola. A South African-supported group created to destabilize and overthrow the government of Angola. 


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