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(Lr The following gem from the Jackson Gazette is loo valuable to be thru.-i in' o premature obl7on, orto be defaced by any comments of onrs. Rcad if íTo the Editok of tuk Gazkttf. : Sir - I beg leave to occupy a small spaco n yoiir pnper, with my views of politica] Abo'.iiionisis. Il is well known, and is a fact of {Tcneral notoriety, that the Abohtionists are by every posíible mean?, aicling lite nogroes in escaping froni the Southern Planters to Cunada; and Ihoy justify themseïves for commitling l!)is kind of feluny under the specious phrase, ;ill men are bom free and equul.' - Can t be that these sclf stvlcd philauthropists labor under a deiusiofi, by believing that they are advancing Equa ity? ís it not a fuct well known to them, thntihey act in the capacity óf British recruitin officers - Ihat every uegro they transport to Canada, adds streng'. h to the British Army? Tw'o regiments of black troops have already been equippfd by the English Government and sent. to India, to uisist in oppress ng the inhübitanla and subverting their liberlies! And how soon niay Patnotic Irelond, in her smiggle for Freedom and Equal Righis, fcel theefiectsof the American Abolitionisl'srecruits? Slie nay within a month be darkoned wilh a cloud of Negro Soldiers? Tlius, the abolitionisls, in their sympathy for the siave, tbrget that vvlien ihey turn him looso, they aid an arbitra. y power in suppressing the effórts of the Patriot For Freedom. I ani ihe more surprised, that


Signal of Liberty
Old News