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Quarterly Subscriptions

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The Liberty Fnends in oiher Stntes have lelt the.nei-essiiy ofcxiciiriing a knowledge of Liberty principies among iliuse who do not inke n weekly ánti-slavery pnpcr. In Oliio, Illinois. Mame, and New York, ihe Tract systeni is in full operation. Instond of this, we propuse to turnish the Signa] of Libcriy for Twislvb Wf.kks, to ncw subscribers. for the low price o: Twcnty Fïve Cents; not for the s;ike of on proliis than enn bo rea.Üzed at tliat pnce, biu because wc wisli a Unowledgc of our p inciples 10 oe exicnsivdy circuluted among iliose vho nre not subs-cribers, and no botter and cheaper medi uin than tlie Press enn Ie devised. The paper wíl! contain more réading matter ihan any papel in the 3iate.e.cepting ihose publtshed in Detroit. We ehrill inserí large nntislaveiy seltctions. stiitcd to the important election nuw pending, and also ihe usual variety of intelligence. The sub scription priee is small, and we ought lo receive several thousand subsoribers in a few weeks. HPYVe hope t'iis proposition will bo imr.Kinced into each couniy convention, and subscriptions okpn ip at the time of the meeting. (H7ln conc'usion. we liave one word to sny to he genuine wdrkihg li'iertij man. Vou somé times sny to yourself, "I sliould like to do somcilimg lor the liberty cause; bul I cannot wiite, nor deliyer estires, and 1 have no funds. I woiild do sonicthing if I knew how." Herc is something ou can do. Yon have at least onc neighbor or riend who can be induced to take and read 12 Jiierty papers, and pay 25 cents for them. ]f ie has not the money, you can arrree with birri to rder tho paper for hirft, and charge it to him on )ook account. lu this way he can easily p;iy for t. and il will cost joh r.otiiing. [f each subscrier will get us one more, though it be only for liree months. wc will warrant an incniase in i-e liberty vote "ui the fall which vvül nsionij-h very one. Do not wnit foryour neighbors. bui ecollect ihe age of mirncles is past,& slavery can nly he abolishcd througli n change of views in he community. nnd that chnnge can only be inueed ry tuk. tsüth presented to single niinds. Qinrterly subscriptions will be received ïmnieiately;to cotnmence on the lóthofJuly. At the ery low piice we offer them, no papers will be enr without pny. N. B. Posttnasters will forward payments if equested.


Signal of Liberty
Old News