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De Ciudad A Cuidad / From City To City

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2. Ann Arbor no da su apoyo

Al daño hecho por nuestro gobierno

Sentimos por Ustedes

Sentimientos no violentos sino tiernos

Como pájaros que viajan entre el norte y el sur

Y en ambas tierras tienen su hogar

Los corazones nuestros

A Juigalpa ya van a volar

Hoy Washington y King andan en Juigalpa

Cada puerta tocan ellos, y detrás

Los americanos que han despertado cantan

"No aceptamos las mentiras nunca más."


1 . No one is an island

The suffering of one will hurt us all

We will stand together

For if we don't each one of us will fall.

People of Juigalpa, now that we've joined together

In our breasts there burns a common flame

And now that we are family

The blood that courses in us is the same

And today we saw Sandino in Ann Arbor

And with him was Fonseca Amador

And behind them marched the martyred Nicaraguans

Telling us it's in our hands to stop the war


2. Ann Arbor will not share in

The damage that our government has done

The friendship of our cities

Is not a thing of land mines or of guns

And like the birds that travel every year from north to south

And make their home in both of our sweet lands

Our hearts will travel to you

And though we're far apart we'll clasp your hands

Now Washington and King walk in Juigalpa

And together they are knocking on each door

And behind them stand the once-deceived Americans

Saying "We will not be lied to any more."


De Ciudad a Ciudad/From City to City was performed for the first time on October 26, 1 986, at the send-off party at St. Thomas Church parish hall for the first delegation from Ann Arbor to Juigalpa, our sister city in Nicaragua. Oscar Ballester sang the Spanish lyrics and played guitar; Paul Tinkerhess sang the English lyrics and played banjo; composer David Vayo accompanied on piano. Cassettes and sheet music were sent to Nicaragua along with the delegation, and the song was performed again in Nicaragua, this time by choruses from both countries.


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