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Chancery Lale Absolute, f or Cash and to the high est Bidder IN the cause pending in the Court ol Chanceiy. for the Second Circuit ot the State ui' Michigan, wherein James Abbott is complainant. and Ab:gail Welch. David Enton. George Welch. Ilenry W'elch, Harriet Welch. and Augusta Welch. are defendan 8. tlie 6aid George, Henry, Harriet, and Augusta being Minors, under the ace of uveniy-one years,-Whereas. by a decretal order n the above cause, made by his Honor Elun Famsworth, then Chancellor of' the State of Michigan, bearing date the fourteenth day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and lorty one, it vas ordered and decreed, that the above natued defendants shouid redeem certain rnortgaged preniises in tlic Complainant's bill contained, by the payment of the suui of lour hundred and nineiy-eight dollars and twenty-four cents, and the interest to accrue thereon, from the fourteenih day of July, eightoen hundred and forty orce, ihe date of a certain report insaid decree mentioned, and also the costs of cutnplninniu to be taxed. on or before the fourteenth day of November, in ihe year eighteen hundred and (orty-one. or ihat in default thereol the said mortgnged preniises with the appurtenances, or so muih ihereof as would be sufficien to pay the said debt and the interest which hai accrued, or misrht. thereafter accrue with sak costs, and which might be sold separately with out injury to the pames or eiiher of them, shouk he sold at public auction. at the Court House, in the village of Ann Arbor. in the County o Washtenaw, by and under the direction of one o ihe Misters ol the suid Court. the said Maste firsi iiiving aix weeks previous notice of ihe time and place of sale in some newspaper published in said Coui-.ty. as by the said decree, refereneebe ing thereunto had. may more fclly appear, And whereis, the said premises are yet unre deemed. and the above stated sum with interest and costs, is yet due and unpaid, JNow, there'bre, notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of the directions of ihe said decree and by virtue of its authority. 1 wil!, on the sixteenth day of Mny ne.xt. at the hour of Twelve o'clock, at noon. at the Court House of the County of Washtenaw. in the village of Ann Arbor. sell to the highest bidder, at public Auclion, the lands and premises in said decree mentioned.. or &o much thereof as may be sufTicient to pny the aforesaid sum, interest and costs. and enn be sold separately without injury to any of the parties in this canse, which said lands and premises are known and describedas follows, vi-z: A.11 that certain tract or parcel of land sitnate in the County of Washtenaw. and State of Michigan, known as the Easthalfof the South Eas quarter of Section nuniber thirty-two, in Town ship number four, South of Range nuniber suv en Rast, containing eighty acreg. The sale will be absolute - without redemptionand for cash. G. T. GRIDLEY. Mnster in Chancery. C. H. Stewakt. Sol. forComplt. Dnted this 2rth day of March, 1843. The above sale is adjourned to ihe 8th day of June next, at the lime and place above mentioned. G. T. GRIDLEY. Master. Ann Arbor. May 16. 1843. The above snle sfurther postponed until ihe twenty-second day of June instant, at the same place and time of diy. G. T. GRIDLEY. Master. C. EL Stkwart, Sol. for Coniplt. June 8th. 1843 The nbove sale is fu-ther postponed till ihe eleventh of July next at the same place and time ofdav. Dated June 22, 1843. G. T. GRIDLEY. Master in Chancery. C. H. Stkw.irt. Sol, for Complt. idttention, flechantes! NOTICE is hereby g;ven to the different mechanics of Ann Arbor. &c. who are desirous to put in tlieir proposah for the erection of the CatholicChu-ch in the village of Ann Arbor. are reqnested to furnish the Ilev. -Mr. Cullen with their proposnls by the first of July. 9tf.CUR1OSITY! A Tallar w'to tcill noi ticlitc h;s Promisc. THE Sitbscnber w.ould inform the Ciiizena oí Aun Albor nnd vicinity. liiat he has com. menced ilie Tailoring Business, n '.lie Lower Town, Shop over Hanis. Parf ridsree & Co'a. store. Fro n past experienoe he teels csnfideiit that he can give satisfaction. Tnj Him. SPRAGÜE. N. B. Cutting done to order. Ann Arbor. June 1843. 9- 9ra. S. PETTIBOiE, ' PURVRYOa, M MAKER, AWD lAND AOENT. Office. irrGourl House Sqturce, Ann Arbor. I June 19, H 13.YP3IX.ANTI ACADEIVIY, A N D II. H. GRIFFEN, Principal. MISS C. E. HAMMOND, Assistant. THE twulith term 01 this insiitution will comnience on Munday, May 2!), and continu 11 weeks. While this school is equolly ojien to all of built sexes, who wish to acquire a good education, particular attention wlll be given to those wlio nrc prepsrin-g lo leach. The exclu sive and unimcrrupted attention of the principal will bc given to impart a prnctical knowledge of the English branches. He occupies about half nn hour daily in lecturing. with the aid oftheapparatus. minerala. or oiherwise. Apparatus. - The lnstiiution is furnished with Chemical, Phüosophica!, and Astronomical apparatus, Svrveying Instruments, Geometricalsolids. &c. to ihe amoirnt of $300; also a good Cabinetof Minerals worth $50. Toitio.v in the coinmon ÉngHsh branches, including Composition and üeclamation from $2.50 to 3,50, In Philo?ophy. Chemistry, Astronomy. History, Rheturic, Boinny, Algebra, Geomeiry, Surveying, &c. from $4,50 to$5,00. Mezzotin:o and Chinese or Theorcm paiming, $3 03 each ior 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griffen. The tuition is to be paid at the middfe of the term. No deduciion fbr absence wi!l be made, except for protiacted sickness, and no one will be eceived for leas than five and a half weeks.- Books may bc had of the principal at Detroit prices. Board, Including room and washingí from $1.00 to $1,50 per week; for further parttcnlors nquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. Weaa. Rev. H. P. Powers, Rev. O. F. North, J. Fairchild, M. D.. J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and K. M. Skinner, Esqrs. havekindly consented to form a visiting committeef to ba present at ihe Week reviews on Thursday, and at the public examination of the school. Ypsilnnti. April 29. 1343. 5- 1v. _BOOK BINDERY. AT THE PAPER MILt (l.OWKR TOW's) AN5 ARBOR. EBOOTH would respeetiuHy inform tho inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that ie continúes the business of BOOK BINDIXCl at the old stand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Booka will be neatly rebound on Rhortnotice. AU. kind3 of RULING done to order.- Country produce taken in payment. April 10, 1S43. 52-tf. CHEESE. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAÑD. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. 23,000 FLOUR BARRELS for onie Cheap for Cash. by C J. GARLAND. 2 Ann Aibor. Upper Town, May 5, 1843 For Sale BY the Subscribir, a goud iocation for WOOL CARDING and GLOTH DRESSING, ii the Township of Ajala, Simco Co., Hjme District. U. C. - ALSO- 100 Acres of choice Lnnd in Granby Town, Missisco County. Montreal District, L. C. -ALSO- 200 Acres, being part of the Estáte known by the name of the Dougfnsa Esta'e, in SheiTord Township, Missisco County, Montreal District, L. C. - ALSO- A House and Lot in Michigan Village, fivo miles up the Huron River from Aun Arlíor AU or either the said possessions may bc had cheap for Cash. or for Land in this State. For funher particulars inquire of the subsCriber at Ann Arbor, Lower Town. P. CO&ER. June P, 1843. 7-tf. ülurder & Snícíde! PASSING your ptcís a few dayssince, I wai jltnost horror striick in noticing a coniinual protracted murder. Chenpzst Store in town - ;New York Wholesale and Retail Cheap cash S;orc" "Buffuio Cheap Store" led me to cali where T saw the "Kings English" lie mangled, bleeding. dying. At anoiher place I sar a great display of li Red Rags" and flaming hand bilis, where on examination I fonnd that they claimed to havebought their goods at "Atiction" and I knew ihat goods sold at auction were of inferior qViöfity, andsuch as would not bear the tesi of privaie'salescrutiny. Oh.thought ihey :ut their own throats in buying their goods at auction. I passed on to F. Denison's old stand where I found H. Becker fairly settled with a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private snks. embracing nenrly every tliing called for in thecjuntry, at low prices, for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure English was spoken, as I am aasured it is at his Store in the Lower Town. VIATOR. Ann Arbor, .Tune 12. 181-1 7 tf.GOODS ARE CHE4P AT GARLAXDS. JUST rcceivedat the Farmers and Mechanica Store, direct from New York. ö general assortment of choice aoi select GOODS, consistingof all most every article vvanted, such as Shcetings Slürtings, Broad Cloths. Cassimere, Calicóes, Drillings, Gambroons, Linens, Umbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous. de Lains. Silks, Shawls, Bonneis, Hals, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockery. Boots and Shoes. Looking Glasses, &c. &c AU of nhich will be sold cheap as the cheapest. . Goodspurcliasers will keep in minu the Farmers and Mechanica Store. C. J. GARLAND. N. B. Any goods purchased of him not giving satisfaction in pnce vaú quality can be remrned. Ann (Upper Town) June 1'3, '43. 7tf Hare Chance for Zndustrious Pernales. THE Subscribers woulil íespfcrfnily onnounce to the "LAB0R1NG FEMALES" of Washienavv and viemity, that they will fnrnish WOOL. of a superior quality, to be manufactured into clotli. The wool to be madt into Rolls, before given out. TERMS. The Rolls to be taken nt the factory and modo nto fiannel, one half of which is lo be returned to the proprietora. J. BFXKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. June 12. 1843. 8-3wDENTISTRY . , . DR. JEWETT.- Periormsin themost sk.lful manner and with very littlepain, allope.ationson the TEETH. necessary to preserve them and render hem pennanently "seluljMETALLIC INCORRUPTIBLE TEE TH, nserteti n the naóst beauiifttl manner on pivot or line gold piare. Dental I0;"1""",}" I childrcn remedied, and l'ooth Adtc efectoally cured wiihoal the dreadand pain 0 curaciion. His charges will be as íow as ihose of any vho do their work equally ns welL u;n„e ;t mn Lndics Will be tended ut their dwellmgs if so desired. Satisfacfory Refercocei giveo. Advic grï?' Office Col. Je-cu% Uppfer Town Ann Arbor. June 14.


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