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Bunker Hill Celebration

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The attendance on this occasion was sup posed to be 00,000 . It was ihe finest display tif military overseen in New England. Great numbers oí' oíd Revolutionarios in carrhgea were presen1:. The procession was three miles long. The Freemasons turned out in resprctuble numbers, and excited much curiosity by tlieirnncient devices. The Odd Fellows tnrned out in g:eat numbers, presenting a splendid appoarance. The Boston Mail, thua notices the Presidenfs appearance:"The Pr-rsident of the United States, his son?, and the President of the Assuciation, rode in an open b:irouche drawn hy six fine lorses. The President kept his liead nncov;red most of the ilistnnce, but a negro 6lave stood on the oulsi.le of the carriage behind iim, holding on umbrella over his !iead,but not öufficiently low to prevent him f rom n'ot icing and bowing to the ludios who wuved their handkerchiefij froin the wiiidows."' The oration was but partinlly heard,owing to a lighl breeze which swept over the liill. The first part was filled with complimentory ol!usions to the architecis, buildere, distinguishud guests, fcc. The second was occupied by a comparison of the seitlement of the Spnnish and BngHsh Colonies, and the causes of the present disparity bel ween the United Statea nd the othrr Independent States of America. He concluded with a eulogy upon the cliaracter of Washington. The discourse has some rine passages and just refiecüona, but it haa too much ostentalion and patriotic Belfconceit to suit our taste.{Lf A State Conventio.-i of Washiiig'onians was lutely held at Uticn, N. Y. The Convention interposed its advice to Washingtonians, nol to employ any ollier ir.strumentalitv tlian mora! gimsiqn to put down the License systera. The Liberty Press saye: "Not content wiih lea ving the local societies at liberty to fi-llmv their oun conviciions oí' the law of love wiih respect to rumscller: , the convention lias ádvised theninol to eínploy iheir ballof, box power to put nn end lo the traffici Novv wc nffirm that he who wijl employ his political power to sustuin the License system, and theii, by moral snasion, labor to prevent the miácliief growinjj out of if, is either grosíly ignorant, or a liypocrite. It nupposes him" friendly to licensed drumshop, and still tinfriendly to drniti drjifitng. He votes the sysLm up, and then attempls to talk the business down!"Qr Major Pitcairn was thé officer who ;ommenced tïie Revolutionary War by order,17 liis men to fire on the American Militia fit Lexingtön. When the Biïtish cnrnetl the ïreóst-work of Bunker Ilill at the third charge, Major Pitcairn ir.oun'ed it eword in hand, ona :alled on his men to follow. He was instant - y shot dead by a nero, and fel! br.ok ii to the Jitch. Had the decsendants of tliis negro isked for a place in the procesión on the 17th jf June, it would not have bepn granted Ihem. Such creatures of-prcjiitficS are liuman ÈfeingW CCT The peoule of Boston liad a laiigli on the 17t'i at the fexpénse of Air. Tyler and his son Robcrt. When the crowd in n barouclie together, Mr. Tyler bowed in return to the saküions of the Penple, and Bob Tyter Jr. bowed alsq, in unisón wilh his fatlier.- Tbis mucli nmused gome of the crowd. whilo otlrers were inüignant at his Sonthnrn coxcoinbry, sr:d wanted to throw I im out of ifie carriage.OT At the gYartd dinnnr ín Fanourt Unll, on the day of the' Utmker Mili selebratio:) , unthing stronger tlmn' iWmomde was introduced. Tliis was a victory ri(t less glorious thán Ihat vvliicl? was commémorated on the occasion. Q Massnchusetts will ro'ilrive to lo ahead of the other Stntes in all moral nnd legislative refortnff. Oor readers will recollect the hue and cry consequent on the passoge of ihe fifteen güllon law. It was contended íhe cause of Tempernnce had been put back, a reac!ion had ttiken place, &c. How stands the resnlt? In a population of 'eeven liundred and thirty seven thousand, hccnses lo sell liquid desf.ruction have been granled in only one county. lf the people are cursed witlj iho tratFic, they can only blaine thomselves for their laziness in not enforcing the laws. We suppose, however, thut drunkeries are continued in ihe cilies abouttlie same as usual.Or3 The Quarterly Subscrjptions, frienda wliat do you propose to do about Ihem? - Have each of you procured one Mibscriber? - If so, eend in the names. We shall eomtnenco Bupplying fcubscribers in two weeks. Recollect the imporlance of this measure. It is all that can be done thro'jgh the press to disseminate Liberty principies, previons to the important Fallelection. 05a" How ridiculous we should have appeared had we gone to war with England about "ouu. shiPwreckkd Slaves.'1 üurs is the only government in the worltl that turns slave-catcher for its manstealing subjects.- Mr. Leavitt writes f rom London: "Our American editors will be surprised to learn that since ernanci pation took place in tho Bntish colonies, sluved ate confín uilly escaping to these from those of Franco; and yetit has ncver occurred to thi French government to fake the trouble even of inaking a complaint that these fugitivee are harbored and protected nndcr Brit'sh law. An olïce lius even been established, openly, in the British island ot Anguilla, .to pmmöte this method of drawing the productive laborers of France into the dominions of Great Britain. Tho bparing oí ihis on the question now in dispute about the right of search, and the abolition of the s!avc trade, is sufliciently obvious. J hope nrirown government, as well ns that of G-eat Britain, will by and bye see that slavery and the slavc trade are as much one as a man and hia sotiji and that slavery is nothing but the "piiacy of the slave trade carried out nnd cutitinued from b'o to Bge."


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