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Quarterly Subscriptions

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TheLibeny Friends in otlier States have lelt he necessity of exiending a knowledgé of Liber;y principies among those who do not take a weekly aiui-slavery paper. In Ohiot Illinois, Maine, and New York, the Tract system is in [uil operation. Instead of this, we propose to urnish the Signal of Liberty for Twjklve Weeks, to new subscribers, for the low price of Ttcenty Fice, Cents; not for the sake of any profits than can be realized at that price, but because we wish a knowledgè oí' our p inciples to oe extensively circulated among those who are not subscribers, and no better and cheaper medium than the Pres3 can te c'i-vised. The paper will contain more reading matter than any paper in the Siate.excepting ihose pubhshed in Detroit. We shall insert large aniislavery selections, suitcd to the inportant election now pending, and also the usual variety of intelligence. The subscription price ie small, and we ought to receive several thousand subscribers in a few weeks. ÍCFWe hope this proposition will be introduced into each county convention, and 6ubscriptions taken un at vhe tirne of the meeiing.Oln conclusión, we have one word to say to he gcnuine worhing li'icrty man. You sometimes 3ny to yourself,"! should like to do something for the liberty cause; but I cannot write, nor deliver le'Uures, and 1 have no funda. I would do something il' I knew how." fiere ie something you can do. Yon have at least one neighbor or Iriend who can be induced to inkc and read 12 Liberty papers, and pay 25 cents for thern. If he has not the money. you can agree with him to order tho paper for him, and charge it to him onbook. account. In thts way he can easuy pay iur ■ t. and il will cost jou nothing. It each . ber will get us one more, though u be only lor three monihs, we wilt warrant an increase in tbe liberty voie in the fall which will nslonish every one. Do nol wait for your neighbors, but recolléct the age of miracles is past,& slavery can only be abolished through a change of views in the community, and ihai change can only be induced by TnKTRUTH presented to single minds. Quarterly subscriptions will be received immediaiely;to commence on the ISthofJuly. At the very low price we offer them. no papers will be sent without pay. N. B. Postmasters will furward payments u ' requested.


Signal of Liberty
Old News