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- Mr. Geo. Bnrnum wnsduined to llie Gospel Ministry, June 7lh, by the Jackson Asfociation. Readmg scriptures and opening prayer by the Rev. Mr. Bairows-, Sermón hy the Rcv. Mr. Smith, Orduining prnyer by the Revi Marcvs Harriso, chai go by the Rev. Mr. Barrows, riylit hand of fellovvehip hy the Rcv. Joscphus Moitnn, cü:icluding prayer by the Rev. Mr. Denison. Mr. Cook. jr. hns bern 1rifrl nt Norfolk Virarinia. lor the inurder ot'Me'zir Gurdner. ihe Kditor oftlie üld Dominion, and acquitted. - Del. Jldverliser. To be ure he was arquitted; tbr Gardner was a Yankee, and Mr. Cook Jr. a Virginian. Hang a high-auled cliivalrous Virginian for shooting a Yankoe! Whoever hnard ol'pnch 8 thing!(H0 An article s going the rounds cf the VVIiigr papers sturing that Mr. Dirnky ha declined the nomination for the Presidency. Such is not '.lic fact. We knuw of do reasou for siich a statement. (Lƒ Floiirlins risen in New York city to 8!,70 per bnrre!. Tiio Detroit Adven iser of Friday &nys: Fluur is on the decline in this city. It rc(Cc'ed yejlfrday to ÖS4 50 with a prospect of u farthcr decliné. Ol1 At the eleclion of Rppaker of the House of Ropreen'Jilivrs of New Hiimp.-hiic, ïlic Libertj' candidate rf'cèived twelve votes. Oj Ilon. A. P. Uisn?r, Secretnry of Navy. lias bern ü.)oinïo(I Sccretiiry of State for Ilic present, in the place of Mr. Legnro, dtcensed.


Signal of Liberty
Old News