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Slavery And The Poor White Man

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A few weeks 'since, our attenüon was arrested by a crowd at the corner of Fifth and Main streeta. They were tooking at a bnnd of emigrante, men, women ard children, on their way from Nortli Carolina to Indiana.- And such a company! We had seen poverty before, but never Buch poverty ag theirs. With scarcely enongh clothing to hide their nakednesa, and noflesh to cover their bones, the Denion of Went had fciamged h:s image en the;r haggard features and emaciated Ibrms. -Their horre - wem-flcshless-skeletons. andtheir bones wouid almost have rattled together if they had not been too weak to tread firmly. A few days after we wero accosíed by a miserable looking creature, and asked where tthe Fifth street market was. He had ]eft his wife there, and wanted to find her. Wó iold him, and then said - cyou are from North Carolina, friend?' 'Yes' - 'we are on our way to to the mouth of Curaberland - we could not stand it any longer.' 'Slavery has no friendship for the'poor man, it jyill drive ycu all out.' That is true,' was liis his reply - "diere is no chance for a poor white man amontr slave's he cannot gel work, and he w treated hice a dog.' We saw the oot fellow's wife and two children. They were on foot, and begging their way. Sha appeared to have but a single jarment on, and that was very dirty, cotton work. A few days after, on the road a littJe from , the city, we met another conipany; a man, a woman and two or three children, ali dirty,. squalid,and bearingjthe Noith Carolina stamp. A wkeelbarrow carried their all. What think the contentcd workinjmen of the North of a system which is thusmaking a wreek of Iheir brethren in the slave States? - The large slaveholder in North Carolina crushes the black man, and despiees the poor white. Labor there must be performed by a thing in the shape of a man,bearinL the brand oTproperty. The white man, wilh nothiug but his hard hauds to depend upon, can find no work or sympatby. He is driyen out in abject want, an exile from hia native State, or if he remain, leduced to the depths of degradationWhy should abolitionists bc held in aborrencc, by the non-slaveholding population of the South, for laboring to effect the extinction. of such au infernal system ? North Carolina boasts that she owes no debt; but she doc3 owe a tremendous debt to her childrcn, whom she is driving out every year, in penury and sorrow, to obtnin a homo and sustenance in other lands. The curso wbich is blighting her soil, and her sons - which ia warring against the vital in terests of the entire non-slaveholding popula tion of the South, is styled by tho Vicksburg Sentinel, in a recent articïo, Hhe liberal, humane and cnlighlencd syslcin of Jlfrican slavtry: - Philanthrophist. The grand idea of the Liberty Party is, lliat man is man: whether white or black, rich or poor,learned or ignorant,iie is ontitJcd to all the cisil and political rights wbich belong (o any man: and this object thcy ecek to atlain But is it n leadiDg principie with the othet p:Litic--7 Wc have. iris" learned


Signal of Liberty
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