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Ann Arbor's Alternative Newsmonthly

EDITORS Laurie Wechter, Ted Sylvester, Peggy Novelli EDITORIAL ASSTS.Jeff Alson, Phillis Engelbert, Jeff Gearhart ART Carol Banker, Denis McBee TYPING Connie Stiner FUNDRAISING Phillis Engelbert, Jeff Farah, Jeff Gearhart DISTRIBUTION Bill Diesenroth, Lois Huff, Al Lozano, Dan Spehar THANKS Terry Calhoun, Mark & Hunter, Skip & Northwoods Distributing Melissa MacKenzie, Nan and Al, WCC SPECIAL THANKS to LASC for holding an AGENDA bake sale

AGENDA ia an independent non-aligned newsmonthly published by Agenda Publications, P.O. Box 3624, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, 313/996-8018. Vol. 2 No. 10, JANUARY, 1988, Copyright @ Agenda Publications. Subscriptions $15/year in the U.S, $30/International.