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We trust that County nnd Senatorial nouiinatioiiB will be made by the Liberty men in ulvance of the otlier parties. We should be iirst in the field, ond thus keep clear of all íem ptations to amalgamation. Il our friends will permit, we will makc a few suggestions wluch we conceive to be imporlant. 1 . Let the best men be noihinated - men of establislied chameter, that will ibear well. - Do not change them from year to year, but stand by them till they are elected, be it sooner or later. Notlnng is gained by a chnnge of candidates unlesa the change bc for the better. 2. Let us have no all iance, treaty, or undorstandmg with any other party. If they will support our men from any motive whatever, we need not quarrel with them for that. We have 110 objections. But we caiinol consistently support théirs, and we shall gain nothing in fhe end by any compromiso or agreemeni, howevcr favorable it may oppear at first eight. 3. Let nominaliona be made in every coun ty where there are Abditionists. Iloweve few they may be, their influencc will be feit wben riglitly bestowed.4. Let every Convention takc up a contubutiou on the spot to provide an ampio supply of tickets, and do wliatevcr else may be de tennined on. Eacli Convention ahould as! itself, YVhat shtll we do at this electton l forward cnierprize?' VVhatever it be, Ie it be done eftbctually and syslemaücally. (5. All the noniinationa should bc made n least six orcight wriska previous to the tim of election. A careful ttentionto tbcsc points,we think will bring ua Bafely througli tiio next inipor tant election, with a vote largely ncrcasci with proispecta briglitening, with our influenc cxtended,aud the way botter prepared for tha final triumph of our principies which avc kno will surely take place.


Signal of Liberty
Old News