To publicize MARCH CALENDAR events send formatted listings by February 15 to AGENDA, P.O. BOX 3624, ANN ARBOR, Ml 48106.
FORMAT--Event: Sponsor. Time, and Place. One or two sentence description. Fee. Phone number
UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, all events listed in the CALENDAR are free and open to the public (including all committee meetings), and all addresses are in AnnArbor.
4 Monday
Integrity Open House for Lesbians and Gay Men: Gay Liberation. 8:45 pm, Canterbury House, 208 N. Division. 665-0606
5 Tuesday
Lesbian-Gay Male Radio Show: Gay Liberation. 6 pm, 88.3 FM, WCBN. 763-4186
Mind Development Class: School of Metaphysics. 7:30 to 10:30 pm, 719 W. Michigan Ypsilanti. $8 donation per week. 482-9600
Meeting: Lesbian Gay Rights on Campus (LaGROC). 8:30 pm, 3100 Michigan Union. 763-4186
6 Wednesday
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 4 to 5:30 pm or 7 to 8:30pm, 306 N. Division. Learn about WCC and how you can join our work helping women help themselves. 994-9100
Beans & Rice Dinner: Guild House. 6 pm, 802 Monroe. Proceeds used for humanitarian aid to Cent. Am. $2 adults, $1 children. 665-8438
"Channeling": New Dimensions Study Group. 7:30 pm, Geddes Lake Townhouses Club House, 3000 Lakehaven. 434-6572
New Age Relationship Series: New Dimensions Study Group. 7:30 pm, Geddes Lake Townhouse Club House, 3000 Lakehaven. 434-6572
Meeting: Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC). 8 pm, 2435 Mason Hall. 665-8438
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm, Blind Pig, 208 S. First. 996-8555
7 Thursday
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 1 1 :30 am to 1 pm (see 6 Wed)
Volunteer Potluck: Women's Crisis Center. 6 to 7:30 pm, WCC, 306 N. Division. Volunteers past and present welcome. 994-9100
Meeting: Jackson for President Campaign. 7:30 pm, A-2 Community Center, 625 N. Main. 662-1523
"Adult Daughters of Alcoholics": Women's Crisis Center. 7:30 pm, 306 N. Division. Community discussion to raise awareness of issues that women face. 994-9100
8 Friday
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 10 am to 11:30pm (see 6 Wed)
Womyn's Tea: WCC/U-M Lesbian Programs Office. 5:30 to 7 pm, 306 N. Division. 994-9100
Metaphysics Morsels Potluck: School of Metaphysics. 6 pm, 719 W. Michigan,Ypsilanti. 482-9600
"Brothers": Gay Men's Coffee House. 8 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. 763-4186
"What Shirley Doesn't Know": Michael Kemp, School of Metaphysics. 8 pm, 719 W. Michigan, Ypsilanti. Lecture by Michael Kemp, Director of the Detroit branch of the School of Metaphysics. 482-9600
9 Saturday
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 4 to 5 pm (see 6 Wed)
"Intro to Buddhism in N. America": Zen Lotus Society. 7 pm, Zen Temple, 1214 Packard . 761-6520
10 Sunday
Korean Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 10 to 1 1 :30 am , Zen Buddhist Temple, 1214 Packard. 761-6520.
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 1 to 2:30 pm (see 6 Wed)
"LINES: New Writing": Detroit Institute of Arts. 3 pm, 5200 Woodward, Detroit. Two documentaries: "Spiral Jetty," and "North Star-Mark di Suvero," $1. 883-9759
English Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 5 to 7 pm, Zen Buddhist Temple, 1214 Packard. 761-6520.
Meeting: Washt. County WAND. 7:30 pm, First Baptist Church, 51 2 E. Huron. Discussion: What makes a woman active? What stops her? 761-1718
Meeting: Progressive Students for Social Change. 8 pm, Goodison Hall Lounge, EMU, Ypsilanti. 482-5593
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
11 Monday
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 7:30 to 9 pm (see 6 Wed)
Meeting: Parents-FLAG/Ann Arbor. 7:30 pm, First Methodist Church, State & Huron. 763-4186
Meeting: Radical Men's Journal. 7:30 pm, 1402 Hill. Help plan an alternative men's paper. 994-4397
Poetry Reading Series: Guild House. 8 pm, 802 Monroe. 662-5189
Integrity Open House for Lesbians and Gay Men: Gay Liberation. 8:45 pm (see 4 Mon)
12 Tuesday
AGENDA Organizational Meeting: 7 pm, Guild House, 802 Monroe. Plan a fundraising phon-a-thon for Jan. 29-Feb. 1. We need volunteers, phones, and membership lists from local groups. 996-8018
Mass Meeting: Free Women's Words. 5 pm, 306 N. Division. Join women to plan the March/April issue of our bi-monthly newsjoumal. 761-9475
Lesbian-Gay Male Radio Show: Gay Liberation. 6 pm (see 5 Tues)
Meeting: WHE-AC. 6 pm, 4202 Michigan Union. 663-4301
Volunteer Information Session: Women's Crisis Center. 7 to 8:30 pm (see 6 Wed)
Revolutionary History Series: SPARK. 7 to 8 pm, B116 Modem Languages Bldg. "1917 Russian Revolution: Workers Begin Building a Socialist State."
Meeting: Amnesty International Group 61. 7:30 pm, Michigan Union, check at desk for room. 761 -1628
Meeting: LesbianGay Rights on Campus. 8:30 pm (see 5 Tues)
13 Wednesday
Beans and Rice Dinner: Guild House. 6 pm (see 6 Wed)
Meeting: Latin American Solidarity Committee. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
14 Thursday
Meeting: Campus WAND. 6 pm, Mich. Union, check at desk for room. 662-8168
Volunteer Potluck: Women's Crisis Center. 6 to 7:30 pm (see 7 Thur)
15 Friday
Noon Forum: Guild House. Noon, 802 Monroe. Speakers to be arranged. Vegetarian soup available for $1. 662-5189
"The Current Constitutional Crisis": National Lawyers Guild. 4:30 pm, Hutchins Hall. Presentation by Professor Arthur Kinoy, Rutgers University. Call for location. 763-2300
Womyn's Tea: WCC/U-M Lesbian Programs Office. 5:30 to 7 pm (see 8 Fri)
"The Conference on Birds": Community High School Fine Arts Repertory Company. 8 pm, Ann Arbor Civic Theater's Main Street Stage, 338 S. Main. Play based on the poem by Sufi poet Farid Uddin Attar. $5 students/seniors, $6 adults. 994-2012
16 Saturday
"The Conference on Birds": Community High School Fine Arts Repertory Co. 2 pm (see 15 Fri)
17 Sunday
Korean Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 10 to 11:30 am (see 10 Sun)
Community Potluck: Women's Crisis Center. 1 2 to 3 pm, 306 N. Division. Discussion of women in prison. 994-9100
"Meet your next U.S. Representative": SANE/FREEZE. 2 to 5 pm, Bird of Paradise, 207 S. Ashley . Meet Dean Baker and Lana Pollack. Music by the Harvey Reed jazz trio. 663-3913
"The Conference on Birds": Community High School Fine Arts Repertory Co. 2 pm (see 15 Fri)
Sunday at Three: Detroit Institute of Arts. 3 pm, Freer House, 71 E. Ferry St., Detroit. Thomas W. Brunk, Architectural Historian, discusses Charles Lang Freer and his residence. Call for reservation. 883-7888
English Speaking Meditation Service: 5 to 7 pm (see 10 Sun)
Membership Meeting: Ypsilanti Food Co-op. 6 pm, 305 Oak Street, Ypsilanti. 483-1520
Meeting: Progressive Students for Social Change. 8 pm (see 10 Sun)
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
18 Monday
Poetry Reading Series: Guild House. 8 pm (see 11 Mon)
Integrity Open House for Lesbians and Gay Men: Gay Liberation. 8:45 pm (see 4 Mon)
19 Tuesday
Lesbian-Gay Male Radio Show: Gay Liberation. 6 pm (see 5 Tues)
Meeting: WHE-AC. 6 pm (see 12 Tues)
"Legal Aspects of Joint Property Ownership by Unmarried People and Powers of Attorney": Women's Crisis Center/U-M Lesbian Programs Office. 7 pm, call for location. Attorney Molly Reno will share information in a community workshop for women. 761-9475
Revolutionary History Series: SPARK. 7 to 8 pm. "Russian Revolution Ignites Workers Movements Around the World." (see 12 Tues)
Meeting: Lesbian/Gay Rights on Campus. 8:30 pm (see 5 Tues)
20 Wednesday
Beans and Rice Dinner: Guild House. 6 pm (see 6 Wed)
Meeting: Bread for the World, Hunger Task Force. 7:30 pm, First Baptist Church, 512 E. Huron. 486-9058
Meeting: Latin American Solidarity Committee. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
21 Thursday
Meeting: Campus WAND. 6 pm (see 14 Thurs)
Volunteer Potluck: Women's Crisis Center. 6 to 7:30 pm (see 7 Thur)
Meeting: Jackson for President Campaign. 7:30 pm (see 7 Thur)
"The Conference on Birds": Community High School Fine Arts Repertory Co. 8 pm (see 15 Fri)
Phone Counselor Training: Women's Crisis Center. Jan 21 to Jan 31 . Join women to learn listening, empathy, and problem solving skills in a two-week training program. 994-9100
22 Friday
Noon Forum: Guild House. (see 15 Fri)
Womyn's Tea: WCC/U-M Lesbian Programs Office. 5:30 to 7 pm (see 8 Fri)
"The Conference on Birds": Community High School Fine Arts Repertory Co. 8 pm (see 15 Fri)
"Brothers": Gay Men's Coffee House. 8 pm (see 8 Fri)
24 Sunday
Korean Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 10 to 11:30 am (see 10 Sun)
LINES- New Writing: Detroit Institute of Arts. 3 pm, 5200 Woodward, Detroit. Reading by Lydia Lunch, New York poet and performance artist. $3. 883-9759
English Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 5 to 7 pm (see 3 Sun)
Meeting: Progressive Student for Social Change. 8 pm (see 3 Sun)
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
25 Monday
Poetry Reading Series: Guild House. 8 pm (see 11 Mon)
Integrity Open House for Lesbians and Gay Men: Gay Liberation. 8:45 pm (see 4 Mon)
26 Tuesday
Lesbian-Gay Male Radio Show: Gay Liberation. 6 pm (see 5 Tues)
Meeting: WHE-AC. 6 pm (see 12 Tues)
Revolutionary History Series: SPARK. 7 to 8 pm. "The U.S. - 1919: Workers' Strike Wave Sweeps the Country." (see 12 Tues)
Meeting: Lesbian/Gay Rights on Campus. 8:30 pm (see 5 Tues)
27 Wednesday
Beans and Rice Dinner: Guild House. 6 pm (see 6 Wed)
Meeting: Latin American Solidarity Committee. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
28 Thursday
Volunteer Potluck: Women's Crisis Center. 6 to 7:30 pm (see 7 Thur)
29 Friday
AGENDA Phon-a-thon. Help raise money for AGENDA! Volunteer to make calls, and please subscribe if you get a call! 996-8018
Noon Forum: Guild House. Noon (see 15 Fri)
Womyn's Tea: WCC/U-M Lesbian Programs Office. 5:30 to 7 pm (see 8 Fri)
30 Saturday
AGENDA Phon-a-thon. Help raise money for AGENDA! Volunteer to make calls, and please subscribe f you get a call! 996-8018
"Women, Men, and Christianity: What Does Liberation Mean Today?": Episcopal Church of the Incarnation. 10 am to 4 pm, 921 Church St. 665-4734
Benefit Concert featuring Jose Luis Merlin: A2MISTAD and Temple Beth Sanctuary Project. 8 pm, Temple Beth & St. Clair's Episcopal Church, 2309 Packard. Argentinian guitarist plays folk and classical music. $5. 761-7960
31 Sunday
AGENDA Phon-a-thon. Help raise money for AGENDA! Volunteer to make calls, and please make a donation if you get a call! 996-8018
Sunday At Three: Detroit Institute of Arts. 3 pm, 5200 Woodward, Detroit. William Rauhauser, Prof. of Photography, Center for Creative Studies, will discuss works from the exhibition "Henri Cartier-Bresson: The Earlier Years." 883-9759
English Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 5 to 7pm (see 10 Sun)
Meeting: Progressive Students for Social Change. 8 pm (see 10 Sun)
Lesbian-Gay Men's Music: Gay Liberation. 8 pm (see 6 Wed)
1 Monday
AGENDA Phon-a-thon. Help raise money for AGENDA! Volunteer to make calls, and please make a donation if you get a call! 996-8018
4 Thursday
Meeting: Campus WAND. 6 pm, Michigan Union. Check at desk for room. 662-8168
11 Thursday
"Public Forum: Washtenaw County Garbage Problem": Ann Arbor Solid Waste Task Force. 7:30 pm to 9 pm, Ann Arbor Public Library Meeting Rm. Recycling, composting, incineration and other solid waste management alternatives. 996-3150
13 Saturday
News and Feature Articles Deadline: AGENDA (March issue). Send articles to AGENDA, P.O. Box 3624, Ann Arbor, Ml, 48106. 996-8018.
"Give Peace a Dance" Benefit: WAND, Peace and Justice Center. 8:30 pm to 12:30 am, Mich. Union Ballroom. Featuring Mad Cat's Pressure Cooker. Tickets $8, $10. 761-1718
14 Sunday
Korean Speaking Meditation Service: Zen Lotus Society. 10 to 11:30 am (see Jan 10 Sun)
15 Monday
Calendar Deadline: AGENDA. Send formatted Calendar listings and photos to AGENDA Calendar, P.O. Box 3624, Ann Arbor, Ml, 48106. 996-8018
18 Thursday
"Public Forum: Washtenaw County Garbage Problem & the Disposal Industry": Ann Arbor Solid Waste Task Force. 9 to 10:30 am (see 11 Thur)
Meeting: Campus WAND. 6 pm (see 4 Thur)
19 Friday
Community Resource Directory (CRD) Deadline: AGENDA. P.O. Box 3624, Ann Arbor, Ml, 48106. 996-8018
Integrity Open House for Lesbians and Gay Men
Gay & Lesbian Community
Gay Liberation
Mind Development Class
Women's Crisis Center
Guild House
New Dimensions Study Group
Zen Lotus Society
Detroit Institute of Arts
Progressive Students for Social Change
Radical Men's Journal
Free Women's Words
World Hunger Education Action Committee (WHE-AC)
Revolutionary History Series
Amnesty International (AI)
Latin American Solidarity Committee (LASC)
National Lawyers Guild
WCC/U-M Lesbian Programs Offce
Community High School Fine Arts Repertory Company
English Speaking Meditation
Ypsilanti Food Co-op
Hunger Task Force
Jackson for President Committee
Gay Mens Coffee House
Episcopal Church of the Incarnation
Temple Beth Sanctuary Project
Ann Arbor Solid Waste Commission
Peace and Justice Center
Old News
Canterbury House
306 N Division
802 Monroe
Geddes Lake Townhouses
1214 Packard
Goodison Hall
338 S Main
305 Oak St
Michigan Union Ballroom