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WHOL.ES A LE & RETAIL. STAP LE AJYD FAJYCY DRY GOÓDS. fTIHE Subscribeis keep conitnmly on hand a 1 _L large and choico stock of DRY GOODS, BOOTS AND SHOES, DRY GROCER- ÍES, 4c. 4c. which have been selected wi;h 1 care, and are of the newcst styles and best qualities. As they are determined not to be undersold, they solicit the patronage of those wishing I to purchase. Among other thingstoo numerous to mention, they have a large and excellent assortment of SHEETINGS, DRILLINGS, SU M M ER STUF FS, CALICÓES , FULLED CLOTHS, SATINETS, BROAD CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, GAMBROONS, LINENS, CAMBRICS, MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &cc. &c.Bonnet Ribbons, a very beautiful sssortment. Shunls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of the richest patterns. Parasols; of all kinds, qualities, and prices. Hosc and Half Hose, Cotton and "Worpted. Bonnets, Leghorn, Tuscan and Straw. The above nsüortment of GOODS will be sold ns cheap, or cheaper than can be purchased in Detroii. o WooL, PotaslL riour, jtj and all kinds of PRODUCE will be received in pavment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 144, Jeflerson Avenue, July. 12. 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit.CHARLAS H. STEWART, TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY. JEFFERSON VENUE, DETROIT. tf. TATE OF MICHIGAN, ? VVashtenaw County, $ fN the Circuit Court ior the county of WashteL naw. In the matter of the petition of Lncina Sischo for a divorce from her husband, Nelson ischo. On reading and filing the petition oí Lucinda 3ischo, praymg for a divorce from her husband eleon Sischo, for the cause oí utter desertion nd neglect to pro vide a suiuible maintainance br her; and itappearing to the court that the said 'elson Sischo cannot be fbund eo as to be perontjlly served with notice: On motion of Kings ey & Morgan, Atto.nevs for petitioner, It isorered by the court, that, the said Nelson Si6cho o appear and answer unto the said petitionnor efore the next term of this court: and that a copy f this order be published in the Signai of Liber, (a public Newspaper published in Ann Aror,) for six weeks successively, the last publiation to be at least forty days before the first doy f the next term of this court. Dated June 17th, 1843. A true copy: E. P GARDINER, Clerk. 10- 6wCÜR1OSITY! A Tailor who wül noi viólate kis Promise. THE Subscnber would inform the Ciiizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity. that he has com. nenced the Tailoring Business, in the Lower Town, Shop over Harria, Parr ridges & Co's. store. From paat experience he feefs esnfídent that he can give satisfaction. Try Hlm. SPRAGUE. N. B. Cutting done to order. Ann Arbor. June 104 9- 2m. CÍRAVE STORES MONÜMENTS, TOMB TABLES, &c. THE subscriber has a large assorfment of Marblc, of the best quaJity, suitable for Grave Stones, Monumejïts, &c. which he will sell cheap or cash, or exchange for produce, at lus old stand, No. 90, Woodward Avenue, DePersons wishing to buy will do well to cali, as they will he sold much cheaper than have ever been afforded in this State, and ola Quality that cannot iail to please. wm L_ pETERg Detroit, Oct. 27, 1842. 29- ly FOUNDRYPOTASH Kettles. Cauldrons, Sugar Kettlcs, Potash Boilers, Five Pail Kettles, and small Hollow Ware, Mili Gearing, Wagon Boxes, Plough Castings, &c. &c constantly on hand, or made" at short noticc at the ANN ARBOR STEAM FOUNDRY. PARTRIDGES, KENT & CO. March 28, 1843. 49-2m 8. PETTIItttHfK, SURVEYOR, MArlAKER, AND LAND AGENT. Office in Court House Square, Ann Arbor. June 19, 1843. 8-tt. BLANK DEEDS. MORTGAGES, EXECUTIONS, SUMMONSES, &c. just piïntcdaud for sale at the CT67CN.iL OFFICE. L%TARIFF OR NO TARIFF. GOODS ABE CHE 41' AT GARLANDS. JUST receivedat the Farmers and Mechanica Store, direct from New York, a general asprtment of choice ani select GOODS, conistingof all most every article wanted, euch as Sheetings. Shirtings, .firoad Cloths, Caasimcre, Calicóes, Drillings, Gambroons, Linens, Umbrellas, Ribbons, Cravats, Mous. de Lains. Silks, Shawls, Bonnels, Hats, Sugar, Tea and Coffee, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glosses, &c. &c. All of tvhich will be eold cheap aa the cheapest. Gooda purchasers will keep in mind the Fanners and Mechantes Stort'. C. J. GA RL AND. N. B. Any goods purchased of him not giving sntisfaction in price and quality can be returned. Ann Arbor. (Upper Town) June 12, '43. 7tf1813. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. . JWJFJËURJEJY, BOOKSEUERANDSTATIONER, SMART S BLOCK, 137 JEFFKRSON AVENUE, DETROIT. Keeps constantly for sale a complete assortment of Mi8ccllaneou8, School and Claeaical Books; Letter and Cap Paper, plain and ruled, Quilla. Ink, Sealing Wax, Cutlery, Wrapping Paper, Printing Paper, of all stzes; and Book, News and Caniater Ink, oi varioua kinds. BLAWS BOOSa Full and half bound, of every varietyot Ruling, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, Sec. I To Merchants, Teachers, and others, buying in quantities. a large discount made. SABBATH SGH00L& BIBLE SOCIETY DEP0SIT0R 51 -tf.Attention Invalida! WHO has tried the Persian Pilis and Jew I " David's or Hkbrew Plaster. and is not I eady to testify ihat they are dccidedly the best I Tiedicines now in use? The above medicines I f lave been before :he public some four ycars, and I " physicians ai the East have used them extensively in their practice, and were they here, ttiey could teil you of the excellent qualities of these 1 1 eines. Reader! Have you ever used them? If you have not, ask those who have if they are not what we recommend them to be. They are the Clieapest as well as the best. A box of piaster 1 contains Eufiicient to spread 8 or 10 piasters - Í price 50 cents. The large Boxes oí Pills contain 73 pills for 63 cents: the small boxes 35 pills for 31 cents. No persons should condenan them I until they have iried them. and then we are sure they will not. These medicines are for sale by I one or more agentB in all villages and cities in the United States. Cali on the agent, and he will cive any infonnation wanted. For sale by J. H. Lund, S. P. & J. C. Jeweit. C. Eberbach, Ann Arbor; I. M. Ladd, Milford: M. C. Bakin, Novi; D. H. Rowland, Northville; J. Scattergood, Plymouth; P. Vanavery, Franklin; J. Dean, Pon tiac: J. Millerd & Son, Dexter; Dr. Sager. Jackson. 10-6mE. DEAN'S CELEBRA T EB CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following is one irom araong the numerous testimoniáis from persona of the nighest respectability, whieh the proprietors have received. From the Hon. Seabury Ford, Member of the Senate of Ohio. Messrs. Harris & Co.- Having used two boxes of "E. Dean's Chemical Piaster" in my family, I find it a most excellent and invaluab! remedy for the purposes for. which it is recommended, and in my opinión excels any with which I am acquainted. I liave no hesitation in recommending said Piaster to the favorable notice of the public. SEABURY FORD. Burton, GeaugaCo., O. Nov. 25, '41. 9 (CTFor the diseases in which this Piaster is apDÜcable, see advertisement in another column of :his paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Atm rbor, (Lower Town,) by J. H. LUND, and W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD, Upper CHRISTIAN EBERBACH, $ Town 49-1 y DR. HALSTED'S BEISZ FZLLS. 28 PlLLS FOR 23 Ck.NTS. THE Brisk Pilis answer the purpose more eficctually for any disease for which any other pill is recommended, and supersede them altogether in medical excellence and virtue. If you doubt this. just try them,it will cost you only two shilhno-s- and then you. with me, will be satisüed. If they are not what I recommend íhem to be, denounce them and put them down, for I cannot conscientiously recommend them for a-ure all for every thing. But this I do say, witbjut fear of contradiction. that no pills are their equal in removing diseaBes originating in the 3tomach or bowels. For liver and bilious diseases, such asdum ague, fever and ague. ïntermittant and remittant fevers, the Bnsk PiUs possess peculiar propenies for their speedy remo val. From ten years experience as a practising physician, I am convinced that none can equal them. - Read what otlier pills are good for, and what they will cure, and if the Brisk are not superior to them all, then discard their use. Do not believe all that ia said aboui an infallible pill- that never fails to cure any disease- but try the Bnsk Pilla tie cheapest pills in use - 23 pills for 25 cents -and then you will have a chance to judge of their merit ordemerit. As a blood cleanser, and apurifier to the diseasedeystem, they perhaps supersede every pill in use. They are quick and easy in the operation. giving hfe nnd tone to all the torpid organs; throwing offimpure matters or humors; leaving the system healthy and clean. This ie all that any oue medicine can do,notwikstandingthe great show of words and ficutious eer tificate8 We are determined to let ihesc diüs stand upon their own reputation, winV loose. All we ask is, for a fair and ïinparual tra'. They can be taken by old and young, at any time with perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for children. for worms, &c. In a word, they possess all the qualities of an aperieni pill for family use. They have curedmany diseases which no other medecine could remove. In conclusión I aay. do not give up or despair of a cure until you have tried the Brisk Pilis, for they do possess peculiar properties and virtues. rnr ;„),, Kv s P. & C. Jewett. C. EberbacAnn AÍbon D. H. Rowland, Nor.hville; J? S. Scat.frgood.Plymouth: J Dean Ponnac: J. B. Dickson, Mt. Clcmcns: Maitland &. Co. Romeo; Spraguc & Co., Rochester; Church , & Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & CoUetroit.J AJÍES . BIRNEY, ATT ORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LA TV. SAGANAW CITÏ, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the Land District in which this (Saganaw) County is; hc will makc iiivcsttncnts lor others Inuds, pay over for non-residents thoir taxes, and crive informaiion generally to persons intcresicd m this part of the country, or desirousof beoonimg unmisrants to ii.RAIL KOAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigned would respectlully inform the frienda of Temperance, and the public generally, ihat theaboe named House, formerly koown os the Temperance Hotel, and situated on the corner of Michigan avenuo and Washington street, near the Central Railroad Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great additional improvements, is nowready for the reception of all thuse whu may favor him with a cali. The accommodntions, in cvcry re6pect, aro not inferior to any Temperance Hou3e in the country, and evcry attention will be given to such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable enterprise. N. B. Carriages alwaye in Teadinesa to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHA MP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-ly Murder & Snicidel PASSING your sireets a few dayssince, I was nlmost horror struck in noticing a coniinual protracted murder. Chcapcst Store in town - 'New York Wholesale and Iletail Cttap cash Store" "Buffalo Cheap Store" led me to cnll where T saw the "Kings English" lie mangJed, bleeding, dying. At another plnce I saw a great display of "Red Rags" and flaming hand bilis. where on examination I found that they claimed to have bought their goods at"Auction" and I knew that goods sold at auction were of inferior quality, and euch as would not bear tlie test of private sale scrutiny. Oh.thought ihey cut their own throats in buying their goods at euction. I passed on to F. Denison's old stand where I found H. Becker fairly settled witli a largo STOCK OF GOODS, Iselected at private sales, embracing nearly every1 I thing called for in the country, at low prices, fof ! cash, produce, or good credit. Andhere I found ' I that the pure English was spoken, as I am assured. ' 1 it is at his Store in the Lower Town.VIATOK. Ann Arbor, June 12, 1843. 7 tf. YPSXL ANTI ACADEMY, H. H. GRIFFEN. Pbikopal. MISS C. E. HAMMOND. Assistaxt. THE twelfth term of this instinuion will curnmcnce on Monday, May 29, and continue 11 weeks. White this school is equally open to all of both sexcs, who wish to acquire a goud education, particular attcntion wHl be to ïose who are preparing lo tcach. The,excluve and uninterrupted auenüon of the principal ill be given to iinpart a prnctical knowledge of ie English branches. He oecupies about half n hour daily in lecturing. with the aid ofUtóapparatus, minerals, or othcrwise. Apparatus. - The lnstitution is turnishcti with Chemical, Philosoplucal, and Asïvonomieal apparatus. Surveying Instruments. Geometrical solids. &.C.. to the amount of $300; also, a good Cabinetof Minerals worth $50. . Tuition in the common EngHsh branches, including Composition and Declamaiion from $2,50 to $3,50. In Phiiosophy. Chemistry, Astronomy, History, Rheturic, Botany, Algebra, Geometry, Surveying, &c. from 4,50 to S5.00.Mezzoiinto and Chinese or Theorem pömtingj $3,09 each for 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Gritfen. The tuition is to be paid at the middle of the term. No deduction for absence will be made, . except for protiacted sickness, and no one will be ïeceived for less than five and a half weeks. - Books may be had oí the principal at Detroit p rices. Board, Including room and washing. from $1,00 to $1,50 per week; forfurther particulars - mquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. Wcaa, Rev. H. P. Powers, Rev. O. F. North, J. Faiichild. M. D., J. C. Allen, M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. have kindly consented to form a visiting committee, to be. present at the Week reviews on Thursday, and at the public examinaüon of the school. Ypsilanti, April 29, 1343. 5- lvFor SaleBY the Subscribir, a good location for WOOL CARDING and CLOTH DRESSING, in the Township of Ajala, Simco-Co., Home District, U. C. - ALSO- 100 Acres of choice Land in Granby Town, Missisco County. Montreal District, L. C. -ALSO- 200 Acres, bemg part of the Estáte known by the name of the Douglass Esta'e, in Sliefford Township, Missisco County, Montreal District, L. C. -ALSO- A House and Lot in Michigan Village. five miles up the Huron River trom Ann Arbor All or either the said possessions may be hml cheap for-Cash, or for Land in this Slatc. For furiher particulars inquire of the subscriber at Ann Arbor. Lower Town. V. COMER, June 8, 1843. 7-tf. DXUNTISTRY DR. JEWETT. - Perlorms in tliemost skilful manner andwith very littlepain, alloperations ou the TEETH. nccessary to prcsrrvo them and render them permanently usclul. - METALLIC INCORRUPTIBLE TEETH, inserted in the most beautifal manner on pivots or fine gold plate. Dektai. lKRtouLiKrTii.s in children remedied, and Tooth Acte eflectaally cured without the dread nnd pain of extraction. His charges will be as low as those of any who do their work equally os well. Ladies will be attended at tlteir dweJünps f so desired. Satisfactory Refcrenees given. Advice gratis. fCT Office at Col. Jewett's, Upper Town. Ann Arbor, June 14. 1843. 2wBOOK AT THE PAPER MILL (i.OWKR TOlVJi) A.S.N ARKOR: EBOOTH would respectfully inform the inhabitantsof Ann Arbor and vicinity that he continúes the business of BOOK BINBIXO at theold tand, in the Paper Mili. Oíd Boofcs will be neatly rebound on short nolÑse. AH kind3 of RULING to order.- Country produce taken in paymeat.. April 10, 1S43.. &fcrtf. CHEESE. FOR Sale by C. J. GAK LAND. - Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5, '43. '2 Sheep Shears. FOR Sale by C. J. GA RL AND. Ann Arbor. Upper Town, Moy 5, 1843. OF all kinds neatly execuied at ihe Signa. Oifice, at the shortcst noticc, and on the most reasonablo terins. Books Pamphlets CircularS' HandbillS pa primed to o.dtr, ,m tune, wuh itic utmost accuracy. inF Ordcrt. by mail promptly fillcd.


Signal of Liberty
Old News