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Eaton County: For The Signal Of Liberty

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At a meeting1 of the frieras of the slave n Eaton County held at Chesier on the third inst., the meeting" was called to order by appointing L. WheatonEsq. Chairman, and N. Thomas clerk. Business beiug called for, voted, tliat we organize a County society. Vo tod, that we have a committee of three to drnft a constitution for enid society and report at the Disirict Convention to be held at J. Mo.itgomery's on the first Tuesday of Octobernext: whereiipon J. Montgomery, D. Bar, and R Munsen werc appointed eaid committee. The meeting was then addressed by the Rev. Mr. Reynolds, from Ionia counfy: his addreas was confined to the moral bearings of slavery. The remarks were warm snd spirited. At the close of the address, the following resoIution was presented by N. Thomas. Resolved, That we as Christians nnd Philanthropisle will not support any candida te for any office of trust, unles sucli candidate will carry out the principies of the Liberty party. The resol ution was eustained by Messrs. Thomas, Montgomery and Munsen, 8 oppoaed by Mitchel and Butts. After a warm and protracted debate, the resolution passed. The following resolution was then oflered by R. Munsen: Resolved, That American slavery is a violuiion of therights of man, and a sin aguinsf God and ought to be abolishcd i-nmediately. After a few reina rks by the piesenler of the reeohítíon, it unanimously paasec).Tito fotlowing resolution was tlien oifered by N. Thomas. Resolved, That the Liberty party is not undertaken as an experiment, bot as a uerinanent mensure, nol to be discontinued or set aside by the result of o Bingle olection, but ve liave rntered npon it as the great political object of our Uves - an object, whatsoever present appearances may indícate, which ve will no', yield or nbandon until suceesa Crown our efforts. Adc.pted. Voted, that ve nppoint fifietn delegntes to fittend the District Conveniio. The folio win are the delegates:R. Mnsen,T. Stebbens, j. Wheaton, A. Pennn, L. Armstong-, R. Baker, D. Bar, S. Lamb, N. Thomas, O P. Scovil, M. Bradford, M. Spaulding, A. Iluchens, C. Dunum, I. H. Tnbor. Voted, that the proceedings of tliis meeting- be published in the Signnl o Liberty.


Signal of Liberty
Old News