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The N. E. A. S. Convention Have Appointed A Delegation Co...

The N. E. A. S. Convention Have Appointed A Delegation Co... image
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05 The N. E. A. S. Convention have nppointed a deJegation consisting of Fredenck Douglas, C. L. Re mond, George Bradburn, and Jacob Ferris, to visit Ohio ond Indiana, Pennsylvania, ond New York, and hold one Hundred Anti-Slavery Conventions. They are of the Garrisonian or Liberty party class. We do not learn that any meetingsaie intended in Michigan. When the Signó] of Liberty can 6ay that perhaps" un Abolition ciindidate can be elected, we will not complain of hts party for throwing away their votes - Michigan State Gazelle. We can sny it now in many cases vvith quite ns much propriety as the Whigs can. Howcver, we are obliged for the definition. Horeafter votes are not tobe accounled as thrown away, when given for a candidite who can t'perhaps'1 be elected. Qj?" Rev. J. Blanchard staled to the London Convention that the free persons of color were not excluded from all the colleges in the Uirted States. There üre about ono hund ed of those ihstitutions in the Union, and persons of colorare adinitted inio eighteen or tvventy of them, and inio all the Roman Calholic Colleges.05a The charges of slander, ftliehood,nnd inveighing ogainst. tlie discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church, preí'erred against Rev. G. Beckley by Rev. Brudford Frazee, liave been invesligated before the Quarterly Con ference oí' Ano Arbor, and the accused vvas ncquitted on all the charlea. We shull publibh a full reportof the proceedings next weck. ftjr" Diring the last fiveyears the committee of vigilante at New York havo passed 1675efcaped slaves into Cumda, and many more havo escaped thiongli otlier chunnels. - It was calcula! ed ibat 5000 slaves annually nttempted to escupe, of whom about one third succeedcd. 0 A truce, prepnratory to o pcaco, has been ngreed upon bet ween Texas nnd Mexico, through the Biitiáh influence. Tliis influence eeenis to opérate exíensively on the aifiiirs of' Texas, and we may hope that ere long it wiil 6ecure tlje abolition of slavery in that country. The present nuinber of slaves is but about 25,000. Baptist Cor.reidion. - We learn by the Chnstian Herakl, ihut thi Board of tJie Bnptisl Convcn'ion of (he State of Michigan will hold their next mepting with tho Baptist cliurch in tliis vill'ge on the 9.h of August next at 2 u'cli ck P. M. A sermón will be preichfd in the evening br Eider A. Ten Bruok. - Argus. Or The frierulsof Liberty in Buffulo ore making properations for the National Convention wliich nieets there on the 30th and Sist o" August. A large an talented delt-gaüon form all the FreeState iü onticipated. (Lƒ" In a communication frotn the venerable Clarkson to the World'a Convention, he tnys tliat lus motto has nhvays been, "Go o.v, REOARDLKSS OF IHFFICULTIES.'' (Lƒ The luw of Florida enslnving the free ppople of color has been repealed by the Territorial Legislature. Qr3 The Whijrs of Vermont have nomied for Guernor, John Mattocks, late member of Congress. 05a A Iva n Stewart hns lafely visited Vermont, and urged on Liberty men the necessiiy of the Trnct systerii. {Cf Tiie Abo!itioni8ts of Wisconsin Imve t in conlemplation to nomínate n. Liberty Delégate to Congres.


Old News
Signal of Liberty