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WHCMLESALE& RETÁIS. STAPLE J1JYD FANCY DRY GOODS. HHHE Subscnbers keep constnnüy on hand a Tw-, Jílrge and cnoCR stck of D?F GOODS ?iL? S F (JROCER. l&S, Sft. Sfz. which have been selected wi;h care, and are of the newest styles and best qualiUeu uB the? are deler'"ned not jo be undersoid, they eolieit the patronage of ihoee wishíng to purcnaae ,f,ü;TngOtihcr thinesioo numerous lo mention, they have a large and excellent assortment of SHEETINGS, DRrT T TlVro SUM MER STÜFKS, CALÏCoïs FULLED CLOTHsl SATINETS BROAD CLÜTHS, CASSIMERES, SAMBROONS, f LíNENS, ' [JAMBRICS, f MUSLINS, HANDKERCHIEFS, &lc. &c. Bonnet Ribbovs, a very beautifnl sssortmenL Shawls, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of the ichest patterna. Parasols: of all kinds, qualíiies. andprí'ces. Host and Half Hn9e, Cotton'and Worpted. Bonneis, Leghorn, Tusoan and Straw. The above nssortment of GOODS wiil &e eoW m cheap, or chcaper than can be purchased in Detroit. p; Wool, Potash, riour, cTD ind all kinds of PRODUCE will be received in payment. ABBOTT &. BEECHER, _ ■ 144, Jefferson Avenue, July, 12; 1843. (12-tf.) Detroit. cüRfosTfYT A Tailor toko vdll noi viólate hls Promise. THE Söbscnber would nform the Ciiizens of Ann Arbor and vicinity. that he has com. iienced the Tailoring Business, n the Lower Tow'n", Shop over Harris. Part ridges & Co's. store. Froir, past expeñentíe he léela csnfident thathe can give satisfaction. Tri J. SPRAGUE. N. B. Cutting done to order. Ann Arbor. June 1843. 9- 2m.Alurder & Suicide! PASSING your surceis a few dayssince, I wns nlmost horror struck in noticing a coniinual protraetcd murder. CheapzsL Store in town 'NewYork Wholesale nnd Reta:l Cheap cash Store" "Buffalo Clieap Store" led me to cali where I saw the ';Kings English" lie mangled, blecding. dying. At anoiher place I saw a great display oí "Red Rags" and flaming hand bilis, where on examination I found that thcy claimed to havebought their goods at "Auction" and I knew that goods sold at auction were of inferior quality, and Euch as would not bear the tesi of private sale scrutiny. Oh.thought they -ut their own ihroats in buying their goods at auction. I passed on to F. Denison's old stand where I found H. Beckkr fairly settled with a large STOCK OF GOODS, selected at private snlcs. enibraeing neariy every thing called for in tbe country, at low prices. for cash. produce, or good credit. And herel found that the pure English was spoken, as I am assured it is at his Store in the Lower Town. VfATOR. Ann Árbor, June 12, 1813. 7 tf. For Sale BY the Suhscriber. a good location far WOOL CARDING and CLOTH DRESSING, in the Township of Ajala. Simco Co., Hjme District, U. C. - ALSO- 100 Aeres of chotee Land in Granby Town, Missisco County, Monfreal District. L. C. - ALSÓ - 200 Acres, bein part of the Estáte known by the name of the Douglass Esta'e, in ShefTord Township, Missisco County, Montreal District, L. C. -ALSO- A House and Lot in Michigan Village, five miles up the fluron River (rom Ann Arbor AU or either the said po??essons may be had cheap for Cash. or for LanJ iu this State. For lurther particulars inquire of the subscriber atAan Arbor, Lower Town. ?. COMER. June 8, 1843. 7-tf.E. DEAZ'S C ELEB RAT ED CHEMICAL PLASTER. THE following is one from among the nu-merous testimoniáis from persons of the ïighest respectability, whieh the proprietors bave received. From Wm. McMa&oi?. Esi. Attorriey at T aw. Showing the effieacy of "E. Dean's Chemical Piaster," in a caseof partial orsub-dislocation of the shoulder, in which the ligaments and rauscles were very much ruptured or lascerated ; al80 in a case of Inflammatonj Rhtvmutisnu To all ichom it tnay concern : TI1Í8 may cerlify. that in tlse spring of 1842, I was thrown from rny estriase, which caused my left shoulder to be partially cïislocated,and my entire left arm to be mueli bruised and swollen. My attending Ptiysician made many applications to reduce the swelling and draw out the bruise: but all was used 10 but little efTect.- ■ {iE. Dean's Chemical Piaster" being recommended to me by a írienl. I was induced totryit; and I can assure the public that I had not made the appücation more than 10 hours before I found material relief, and in a few days the pain was entirely gone from my arm. I have also during the present winter tried tbis Piaster in a veiy obstinate case of Inflammatory Rheumatism, and found it gave me entire relief when applied for about 24 hours. [13] WM. MfcMABON. Wooster. Wayne Cs, O.. Dec. 20, 1842. tEPFor the disensos in which this Piaster is-applicable, sec advertisement in anoiher column of this paper. E. Dean's Chemical Piaster is for sale in Arm Arbor, (Lower Town.) by J. H. LUÍÍÍ). and W. S. & J. W. MATNARD. ? Upper CHRISTIAN EI3ER1ÍACH, 5 Town 49-ly STATE OF MICHIGAN, g3 Washtenaw County, IN the Circuit Court tor the county of Washtenaw. In the matter of the petition of Lncinla Sischo for a divorce from her husband, Nelson Sischo. On reading and filing the petition of Lucinda Sischo, ijraynig for a divorce from her husband Velson Sischo, for the cause 01 utter desenion nd neglect to provide a suitable maintainance or her; and it appearing to the court thnt the said Nelson Sischo cannot be fonnd so as to be peronully served witli notice: On motion of Kings ey &. Morgan, Attornevé for petitioner, It is ordered by the court. that. the said Nelson Sischo do appear and answer unto the said petition, on or jefore the next term of this court: ond that a copy of ihis order bn published in ihe Signa! of Libery. (a public Newspaper published in Ann Ar)or.) fursix weeks successively, the last publication to be at least forty dnys betore the rust day of the next term of this court. Dated June 17th, 1843. f Atruecopy! K. V O AH Dl N F. R. Clerk. 10- Gw


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