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Make "Choice" A Local Issue

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I have never joined NOW, worked at a PIanned Parenthood clinic, or attended a march rally for choice in Washington, D.C. or Lansing. like many other people who feel strongly about issues of choice, I have spent my time letting others fight battles I thought were won. Instead, I worked in Cub Scouts, PTO, city and school committees, and the local Democratic Party. I wanted to devote my efforts toward changes I thought needed to be made; I behaved that, with the Roe v Wade decision, choice was no longer in jeopardy.

Today, I find myself urging you to vote for the Zone of Reproductive Freedom. Why should you vote for Proposal C in the Ann Arbor election on Monday, April 2? The Zone of Reproductive Freedom charter amendment would set a maximum $5 fine for having or performing an abortion in Ann Arbor if abortion once again becomes illegal in Michigan. Abortion is legal in Michigan and has been since 1973. Some people will tell you that this is a deplorable state of affairs. Others will tell you that they are pro-choice, but do not think that this issue belongs in a local election.

I believe that the only way pro-choice voters can be heard is to make choice a local issue. We need to remind our state and national leaders that most voters do not believe that matters of privacy (such as contraception and abortion) belong in criminal courts.

Currently, no law is in force in the state of Michigan that restricts or prohibits abortion. Gov. Blanchard consistently vetoes efforts by the State Legislature to create such laws; the pre-Roe v Wade law still on the books cannot be enforced while Roe v Wade is in effect However, it may be only a matter of time before the State Legislature is able to muster enough votes to override Governor Blanchard's veto. He may not be Governor if he loses his bid for re-election this November. And the Supreme Court is under constant pressure to overturn Roe v Wade.

The people working to gamer votes for the proposed Zone of Reproductive Freedom charter amendment sincerely hope that it will never have to go into effect. We do not believe that any group of people - especially the State Legislature, pandering to rightwing fanatics - - has the right to impose criminal sanctions for making a very private decision. Pro-choice supporters recognize that abortion is only one choice available to women who are surprised by a pregnancy.

It is easy for people who wish to eliminate choices to create an atmosphere which encourag-

(see PROPOSAL C, page 11)