
EDITORS - Ted Sylvester, Laurie Wechter
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS - Lois Huf, Bobbie Simson, Alexandra Weekley
DISTRIBUTERS - Kathy Eiden, Krissy Goodman, Lois Huff, Jessica Keams, Matt Kopka, Bobbie Simson, Val Simson
ART ASSISTANT: Alexandra Weekley
THANKS - Hunter VanValkenburgh, UCAR
AGENDA Is an independent, nonaligned newsmonthly published by Agenda Publications, 202 E. Washington #512, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104, (313) 996-8018, ISSN 1047-0727. Vol. 5 No. 6, AUGUST 1990, Copyright Agenda Publications. Subscriptions: $15/year U.S., $30/year international.
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