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Calhoun County Liberty Convention

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Frkemen or Calhoun County! Ariseand declare your opposilion to Slavery and Northern oppression, ly meeting in convention al Albio, ontl)e fifih of September, at 10 o'clock A. M. to nomínate candidates to represent tliis couniy in our next State Legielature, to be supported on the Liberty Ticket at ourensuing election in Vov. next. ERASTUS IÍUSSEY, ) n NATMAN ÜURFEK. C V""" }' CHAS. ÜÜRDWELL, ) om' flili, 1843.05 TJie at'ention of the Liberjy metí of the Counties composing the Fourlh Senatoiinl District is rrquested lo a culi for a District Convention at Albion Sepl. 5. As il occuis imnipdiLtely afier the Nulionnl C'onv ention ut Buflalo, some of the delegates will probably be present on their return, and will be oble to give an account of the doings of that Convention, thus adding to the interest of the meeting. 05 The Detroit Advertiser snys Ihat at tho last session of our Legiplatnrt-, the penqllies nnd forteitures against vsury wpre a!l abolislied, nnd notliing now restrains the tnking of illepal interest, but tlie danger of not being nble to collect the excess abovo 7 per cen But if a pcrson bas actttally paid usurious interest, there remains no lavv to enable him to recover it back.QJr" In the Van Zandt case, the defendnnt entered mot ion for orrest of judgmenl. - Tlie Courl has certified thnt the judgcs are divided on this inotion, botli n the snit for dmnnges. vhere the jury rendered a verdict of $1,200 and in the suit to recover the penalty of ü00 under the act of 1793. Thia iukes bolh cases to the U. 8. Svprcme Courl. (Lr Ceaso lo do evil; learn to do well.


Signal of Liberty
Old News