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The National Convention

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A very lull rneetmc ís anncipnted at Bufialo on the 30th instant. Wc hope Michigan will be wcll representad. Jt will berecolltcted that ihe followiiig gentlemen wcre appointc-d delegatcs :it tlic State Conyention. with power to appointsub stimtps. C. H. Stewnrt. G. Beckíay, S. B. Treadwell, J. S. Fitch, and Wm. Cnnlield. Bat by ilic ternia of the cali, ii will be secn thnt all arj iavited lo ateaí. Tiloso wlio wjsh to see ihe Liberty friends from all pnrts of ihe unión, will do we!l to be present, tis p.noiher occasion of the kind wili noi p.-obably occur in sevèral years. Qj The YVhig Conven'.ion of Wu?!i(enav Connty are raliier queer advocates of retrenchmout. Tliey thoulit that our Democratie Lririlature were nmcli to blnme for not redücing tlie pay of nietnbers to iess tlian three dollars per day; and went unanimoti-ly for the nominatiun of a member to Conresá who votcd at the lasi sesbion njrainst reducing the pny of members below eigld dollars per day, in addiiioi) to tlieir enormous milease fees. VVill the YVliigs defend Mr. Howard in this? W hat position will tljev tajeé?(Ht The Detroit Advertiser has an article respect ing the Aduücry and Fornication !av, in wliicli wc were much nstoni-hed to find the "Signal of Liberty!" numbered amonnr the "(k'fttnders" of lts repeal. We suppo?ed this was a casual error, whicli would be corrected in the next paper; but no correction Ims nppeared. All our readers know thnt we roprnbaled t!iis legislation with our usual plainnrs ; of speech. The Jlrgvs, pF'thh p'aco, did attempt s"me kind ot' apolugy for the Legisla'ure; but the Signul, never. Will you make the correction. Mr. Bules? (t5 The Wliigs in Maine, in proportion as fhcy tlide down hill, are becoming the most favorable party.' The Kmnebeck Journal, a prominent Whig paper t=ays: "Theohjects vvhich the Librrty Party propopea to nccomiilish are nll conunendable.- We diffrr orily as to the mode or nieaus of operation." lt will be noticed that tbis is no small coneession. Tonppiove ofull the object s of a party as icoinineiidab!e,'as righi ancT benefieial, is to to say much in iis favor.AiNN Arbor, Aug. 19. The new erop of wheat is jnst bcginning to come in. Purchasers are now pnying 624 cents prr bnshel. This is abont as mucli os wns expected at the opening of t lic marke', and should il not be deprecinted, considerable qnntUiiies will le brought in at that price. - Flour retails liere al 83,37. Wool is in somewhat better demand here, and prices in the Enstern States are rising. Q553" The VVIiijrg of ihe Tliird Congressional District have nominated for Congrpss, Thomas J. Dniko, a lawver of Pontinc. Mr. Drake is well known as a wliig politician. - Mc was a delégate to the ITarrisburgh Conventimi, and n Presidcntial Elertor in 1340. The Whig nominees for the First and Third Districts are city nnd villago latcyers, anü j piobably annthër vi!l be selected froin the Second District. (Cf" The Livingston Courior says that nearly every Democratie paper in the State has exnressed a decided preference for the reelection of Gov. Barry. Senator Greonly of Adrián, and Jumes Kingsley, of Ann Arbor, havo been named for Lieutennnt Govemor, nnd the Courier eays it is qui'.e probable one of thera will receive the nomination O3 The Sf. Clair Banner advises every body to refuse lite notes of the River Ruisin Bunlc, it being a broken down resuscitated concern wliose notes have been bonght up for speculation at. ten cents on the dollar. Tnose intere stcd will of course dö as they pleaee. i Q55 The Whigs have carried Tennessee, I electing Governor, Legislatnre and Copgressmen. Thi.s will secure a Whig mnjority of one in the U. S. Senate. O' K" öliaü have r next wcok.


Signal of Liberty
Old News