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Join New Jewish Agenda!

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New Jewish Agenda (NJA) is a national organization promoting peace and social justice . Drawing on the Talmudic teaching of tikkun olam, the just repairing of the world, NJA members work to foster Jewish and progressive values through social, political and cultural activities. NJA applies the teachings of Jewish history and ethics to current local, national and international concerns.

NJA is committed to building an inclusive Jewish community. The work of its various cultural and political committees reflects the diversity of NJA's concerns. During 5750 (1989-90), the local chapter continued its work on the Ethical Giving Project, which promotes Jewish tzedakah that supports peace and social justice in the U.S., Israel, and around the world. The Middle East Committee organized a local Friends of Yesh Gvul chapter in coalition with other organizations, and brought in a number of ers to promote the Israeli peace movement and to expose the cost of Israel's continued occupation of the West Bank and Gaza. NJA's midwest region sponsored a conference in Chicago at which NJA activists came together to discuss and share their work.

The NJA national Feminist Task Force helped launch the new Jewish feminist journal Bridges, two of whose editors are members of the Ann Arbor NJA chapter. Nationally. NJA is focusing on four political priorities fighting racism and anti-Semitism, building a broad movement for a two-state solution to the Israel-Palestinian crisis; working to end heterosexism and sexism; and opposing intervention in Central America.

This year, NJA will continue working on these issues, and holding monthly Shabbat potlucks and celebrations of Jewish holidays. A monthly newsletter is available by subscription. New participants are welcome at all activities. Call 769-5680 for more information or to get on the mailing list.

September activities include: An Erv Rosh Hashanah dessert potluck, to welcome in a sweet new year (919); Tashlich ritual (920); and a Yom Kippur Break Fast (928). For times and locations, call Michael Appel, 769-5680.

Ann Arbor New Jewish Agenda, 711 Wesley, Ann Arbor 48103; 769-5680.


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