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Vote "yes" On Human Services Millage

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On November 6 voters will be asked whether to support a .25 mill property tax increase that would provide $1.5 million over the next five years to human services in Washtenaw County. Because of increasing demands for services and decreasing budgets, it is urgent that voters support this millage. The funds will maintain and expand programs for developing job skills, substance abuse intervention, services to senior citizens, aid to people with disabilities, and reducing infant mortality.

For a home assessed at $100,000 with a $50,000 SEV, the increased tax would be about $12 annually.

"Independence is the theme of this millage campaign," says Rev. Carol Brock, of the Child Care Coordinating Referral Service and chair of the Human Services Millage Campaign Committee. "Assisting more of our neighbors to become or remain independent in home, work, and community makes Washtenaw County an even greater place to live." It's worth this small price to help people help themselves.


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