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Scotch Mesmerism

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Many are the jokes tliat are now pnsscd off ns fncls in Mesmènsm and Clairvoyn'ncft; but ilie following frörn ilie 'Glnsjjbw HeraKi' sepmsto be deforyinpf of n piare vi:h Professor Geoüs ncriül' rtiht : Whctlicr or nol. tlicre he ony f riith in mosmerism, t Fcrms to bc in a fair vvny of'bocominp a scicnce nin m.'id. Onoof tiie most recent, oud r.ot ihe least succrssful. npplïcations of tho infliiencc oí' ivhiöh wv have licnrd is the following: - A íjcnilrman ihö s ilie proprietor of au cxlensivo Iithbraphc mul coppcrplate prSritm'ír establièliment ui the city, and ;i numbér of wlibsé woikmcn are nccmnmodated in Inre npnrtments at the top of tlie building, lias often found of luie, to his aiinnyance, llial there was in his own premisos (?o to spenk) 'a back stairs infliicnco behind tlic tlirone preatcrtlmn the tlirone ilsclf.' It was quito evident thcre were some bbstructive e!einents in opration which narred the duo pmress of business, and which ehidcd deteniitm: for let liini enter hiswork room, howcver suddenly and accidfntally, the mon were nevpr tnken by 6urprise - they were luborinpf witb zea! and nssiduity, but still the work did not pet on. The secret however lias spunked out witliin tliese last threo dnys. It appears that the work men have disco vered amongst them anappicntice who is not only a capital Mesmeric patiënt, but a clairvoyaní of tlio first water. - This was too good a faculty to be aliowed to lie dormanr, and ns the unexpected nnd sudden visils of the principal had been lotind to nterfcre eailly with the doe cotirse of fun or sky-Iarking it was arranged tliat the main duiies ol the Mesmeric boy slumld bo to sleep septry on the molions of liis mnster. The yc.'icme nnswered to ndmirntion. The youth was tlirown iiito the trance, and tracked lus intráíer l'rom his place of business throujh a'l ilie slreets of Ure city; l,e was wilh iiim in his own hous", or in the; ho did not feave Iiim vvhen talking with a friend, or enjoying bis soliiudo, and !ie even accompanicd him !hc-yi)vny or down tlie river, i ivJien the mast er liad occasion to pn}r a busine-ísvisit to Paisley or Creeneck. In tlns wav the workmen, by means of the spcond-siyhted ymi;!), could desety their princip! ndvancirjir, when halt' a müe oflT, and had ahvnys pfprity of time to pet their house in order. !e;nesmcr. i ize the chii, and resume thir oecttpaJ lion ui! h vionr bel ore lie wis R'ftfjiri a htin■ Ired of the premiso?. The cat tfeing ■ now out of the bajr, Iiowever, measuros have , been triken to inercasethe prodticrion of, and .■et matlers rijjht in the workshop. One of tho?e i?, that the lithographer haa engaped in liis turn ano: her clairvoyant boy. who is ns clever as the first, who?e principal ábty is to alten;] hia mister, and tel! liow matlers go on I n tiie workshop, evnn dltiioi%ri he is far disI tant from it, and it is said that the scheme works capitally. Tiifi one mesmerized boy acts as ciiück-niate on the other,and the workmen now ffeel that the oye of the master is always opon them, although lie is nutthere in persoü."


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