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R A Ili fiOAD 1 TEMPERA NCE HOÜSI hoinr' untlersined would rcspectlully iníor JL the frionas of Teriipcranc'K and thc publ hc tíuncrally, ihnt ther.Iune nnmed Houfc. forme ie. jy.knq.wn ns tiie Xetnperance liotd. nnd si tun-t.. c, h itie comer óf Michigan avenue nnd '. ,v con street. ncnr Míe Central Rniliond Dupöt', h..' oj) iiiií imdi'i rolle ihorounli repiiirs and vory rei ,i üddj.MoftaJ improveinents. i;; rtfrw ready fonhen eeption oí' all thuse wlio uioy f.ivor hini wifli e! . cnil. Tbe r.eeommuduions, ín eveiy respect, ai k( j not infeiior to nny Tcirpeinnee liouso ín til j euuñtry. and evciy attention will be riven i ,rt suoh íís bestow t li u i r patronage upun . lilis laudí ,s bli ëntcrprisW.' _ N. B. Carriages ftlwnys ifi ren-iinoss to con lv voy passengtrs to and fioin Boats-and Gnrè. r. ÏÏM. CiiA.MP. ,. DefrnrrV RTny 9. IS43. 4-Iy e" DR. HALSTED'S j. 5 thb & a b ó} 0 o s. 2S í'ir.Ls ron 2') Ck.nts. i, rrUIE Brisk l'itia answor the puipose moreel ic _9_ ícctually lor nny discase fpr wluctí nny othe .1 is rêaörnnïcrrïed, nnd supersede thérii alto .'- ueiher in medical excellence and virtue. lf yoi d.init tais, just try Uiem.u will cost yuu only twi slíiltihgs - and then yon. ntti me, i!l lie satis ni fiètl. Ifiheyare not whnt [ rceomniend ihcn 5 u) be. denonpoa tliem qnd put tl;em down. ípr i. cannot con8cientiously reconwiend tliem for . curo all iir every thin?: lint ;his I dó sny, with ís out t'csr ofcontradiciton. that no pilla nre thoi ni eqtutl iri reroovjng disenses orïginsting in ih r. sioiunch or bowele. For livcr and biiiotis dis e:ises. such asdum npne, (ever and aguo. iriH': mitiant nnd rcmittnin íevrrs. tiié Ii; i sk PilH pos 1. 8fi88 peculiar propertit-s for ilieir spef'dy reinovnl s Froyi tuii years experipnce as a practiíitiír plivsi?. einn. I arn convinced tlmt nune equal tliem.- e ííead wlnt oiher piüs for. nnd wliat ihe] ,1 wül cure, nnd it t'.ie Di L-k ai e pot sii)enor ; ;g them all. ilien discard their use. Üo not beüoV' v a;l tlnt is sid a')on: fin rHfSTHfbto pil! - !hnr mv i, er i'ails to cure nny ciisease - bnt ny the Biis!; I ii!: ;1 - the ebeapest pilla in use - 2? pil's l'or 25 cent e - and then you will have :i cKáñ'ce to j ide o ihejr merit ordcinerit. Asa UIoik! cleanser. an h a ])iuiíier to tbe diseasnd systciri. tiiey pfrhapa su t peifcile every pill in use. 'i'liey are cnick mu 1 esy n the operníon.-Livin life nnd tone o a! j tbe torpid orenns: ihrowiiiír offiíispure inaücr . or hutnors: leaving tito sysiem heahhy nnd olean Th!s ií : !I that any one nu-dicinc cr:n do.noiyvi i . standing the prent show ofwordsand f"c:irionsce tiilcates. We nre detennined to let ihrsc nills stnnf 1 upontheirown reptuauocu win or Jooe. Ai we nsk s, for a fiiir and .'uparjljaj tr a'. Thr enn l)e taken by oUi and yonmr. at nny time wiii perfect wifety. They are an excellent medicin Ibr children. for worms. fce. In a word, bej posess nll ihe qualitiea ofan aperieni pi!l for inniily use. 'í'hey have curcl many discases whieh no other medocine could remove. In conclusión í 3ay. do not sive "P or despair of a cure until yon have tried the Brisk Pilis, for ihey do posses peculiar propcMies and virtues. For Sale by S. P & J. C. Jewett. C. Eberbach. Ann Arbor: D. II. Rowland, Northvdle: I .T. S. Pf-itiergao.'i. PIymouth: .T Dean. Ponfinc: J. B. Dickson. Mr. Clcniens: Tviaiilnnd & Co.. "lomeo: Spracrue &. C.. Ilochester: Church Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owen & Co.. Detroit. 10-Gm A iV D il. U. GitlFFEN, PahNciPAL. [A competent assistant will supply the place of Mis? HAMMOXÜ, wli, i u:is h:ll lovvn to teach.J TIIE thirteenth term ot this instiuuion will commence on Mo:iday, Ausj. '28. and continue 1 1 weeks. While this school is equaliy open to j all of both sexes, who wish to acquire a good education, particular atiemion will be given to j those who are prep.-riug lo teuck. The exclusive and unintorrupted attention of the principal will be priven to impart a pr ciicnl know!edre o! tbc EnsrÜsh branches. Tic oceupies about half :tn hour daily in lecnuing. with the aiu oí theapparaius. nuneraU. or oiherwise. Appahatus. - The lnstiiuiion is furnished wiih Cheniicil. Philpsopliical. and Astronómica! ajiparatusj Surveving Instruinen's. GeoiTietncnl soIkIsj &.C.. io ihe amount of ."7'í')0; a!so, a good Cabinet of Minoráis worrh $;'-0. Tuitio.v in the coniqiqn Knlisli branches, including Composition and Declaniatioh Oom .2,50 to So,50. In Phüopophy. Chernistry, Astronomy, Ilistory, Rhotrc, i3oinny. Algebra. i Geometry. Surveying, &c. fróm 4,50 to $5.00 Mezzotinio and t'hinese or T'.icorem píinriñc i $3 0J eacli íor J2 lessons. taught by Airs. Griffen. The tnition is to be pnid at tic iniiMIe of the term. No dedtictton fi-r absence will be ruado, oxcept for protmered sickness, atid no one wül j be icceivcd for less iban íive and a half weeks. - I Hiioks ;i;ay bc had oí thu principil at Detroit i j prires. Board. Including room and washins. from $1,00 to $1.50 per week; for furiher particulars ! nquire of the principal. Rev. I. M. VVearj. Rev. II. P. Powers. Uv. O. F. Ño'nh, J Fniíchild. M. D.. J. C. Aüen, M. D-. G. nnl K. M. Skinner, Esnrs. hnvckindy conseiited to iorm a vieiting conimiiie. to be present at, tho Week reviews on Tliursday, and at the public examination of ihe school. Ypsiinnti, April 29; IS!3. 5- ly. ATTÜKl'APiR ÜII.L (l.O.VKR TOWfi) ANVAKBOR. El'OÜTH would resjiectluily mlórrn the inhaï)iianisof Ann Arüorand vicinity that he continnrs the business Óf BOOIÍ BIiTE)ÍCÍ, at thn ol 1 .stanri. in the Paper Mi!!. Old Boofcs wili lc ncitly rebound on short notice. AI! kinds of Ill.'LI.N'G done to order. - Country produce taken iti pay.Jnérit". Ap:-,l iü, JS43: GC-tf. iïlOJTElf TO ME J&dtBE. f 8 'HE subscriiicr wowld hereby give notice o JL the funncis of Wcfchtenaw, and the ( boring eounties. that he hns an now inoperation in Anti Lower Tqwjj, " where he iniends at all limes to b:iy FLAX SKED, (and othèr Seeds uscd in making O'.L) int! pay the highest pnce, and tlic best ol pnj-, - - One Dollar per biithel will Ie paid for good J clean seed, or, ono gallon of üil givcu for the same q.iantity. Farmers are requested to ry Flnx on their Slimmer fallown, and thereby avail thcir.selvesof ' ,' two crops instead of one. Mkuchants are reouesied tosend in llicir seed , ind exchnnge for Oil in preference io íendLrur to S New York or Boston for it, and ihus keep what !j money we have in our.own i;ia:e. [45- f,] JOEL R. H1DDEN, n Ann Arbor. Lower Town, March 1. 1H43. ' ' n ajO13 ÏIEIISlff)iHffl9 OF all kinds neatly extcuied at :he bigna. Office, ot the shortcsl notice, and on the most rea.Minable ternis. Books Pamph ets Circnlars - JbianclblllS &■& 'll ''ö pnnted to order, a ] anj ttme, wiih ihe utmost accurncy. ITT Orders by raail promptly fiiJed. f


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