
Ann Arbor's Alternative Newsmonthly
EDITORS- Laurie Wechter, Ted Sylvester
ETCETERA EDITOR- Stephanie Harrell
EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS- Angie Jakary, Jay Pinka, Phillis Engelbert, Eric Jackson
STUDENT INTERNS- Anne Rice, Tim Pope
DISTRIBUTERS- Laurie Ham, Jessica Kearns
THANKS- Hunter Van Valkenburgh, Jeff Gearhart, Jennifer Hall, Mike Stratton, l'daroos Al-Mohdar
AGENDA is an independent, nonaligned newsmonthly published by Agenda Publications, 202 E. Washington #512, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104, 313/996-8018, ISSN 1047-0727. Vol. 6, No. 5, AUGUST 1991, Copyright Agenda Publications.
Subscriptions: $15/year U.S., $30year International.
20,000 free copies of AGENDA are distributed at the beginning of every month from over 300 locations in the Ann Arbor Metro Area. For advertising Information call 996-8018.