
Swimming & biking
Peaceful & relaxing
Neahtawanta Inn
a bed & breakfast
1308 Neahtawanta Rd
Traverse City, MI 49684
(616) 223-7315
The best keeps getting better!
Announcing our convenient new location at:
337 E. Liberty, Ann Arbor 48104
(313) 662-3149
Stop by today and enroll in a summer course to prepare for the October LSAT, GMAT, GRE or Sept. MCAT. Don't delay. Classes begin soon and fill quickly!
Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances!
Recycle Ann Arbor |
Needs Your Help
Executive Secretary
Serve as assistant to the executive director and fill office manager role. Knowledge of recycling and general business practices a plus. This position is 30-40 hrs/week with benefits.
Personnel Assistant
Administer payroll, benefits and safety programs. Knowledge of ADP payroll systems and OSHA standards helpful. This position is 30-40 hrs/week with benefits.
Publicist Intern
Write press releases, design and publish informational brochures and other documents as needed. Familiarity with Macintosh computers a must. 10-15 hrs/week. Academic credit is possible.
Part Time Clerical Help
Resumes may be sent to:
Recycle Ann Arbor.
attn: Arlin Wasserman
2950 E. Ellsworth Road Ann Arbor, MI 48108
applications accepied until 8/15.