Community Resource Directory

The newly-elected Board of Trustees of Grand Rapids Community College recently voted unanimously to include protection for lesbians and gay men in its formal non-discrimination policy. The policy includes "sexual orientation" among the characteristics upon which GRCC will not discrimínate in the areas of student enrollment, educational programs and activities, and staff and faculty employment. Students had complained that an instructor had persistently insulted and disparaged lesbians and gay men. The new policy is broader than that of the University of Michigan, which does not include educational activities. The U-M Policy is a "Presidential Policy Statement." The Regents of the University have consistently refused to include "sexual orientation" as a protected category in the University 's Regental By-law 14.06 which addresses non-discrimination.
Playboy Magazine included an article condemning "gay-bashing" in its April 1991 issue. Author Nat Hentoff clearly took the side of survivors of homophobic violence. Hentoff noted that AIDS provides "a convenient hook" on which bashers "can hang their existing prejudice."
The 16th Michigan Womyn's Music Festival will be held August 13-18 near Hart, Michigan. Seven to eight thousand womyn will gather for the Festival, enjoying a communal celebration of womyn's artistry through performance of theater, dance, and music. Information may be obtained by sending a SASE to WWTMC, P.O. Box 22, Walhalla, Ml 49458 or by telephoning 616757-4766. Note that tickets must be purchased by money order, cashier's check, or credit card. No personal checks are accepted. U.S. currency only. Womyn interested in auditioning for the 1992 festival are requested to send a tape and biography to the above address by December 1.
Gay Liberation Front's Purpose is to provide information, counseling, and related social services for people concerned about sexual orientation. We maintain a hotline for crisis intervention, peer counseling and referral. We help provide factual information to offset prejudice and misinformation about lesbians and gay men. We work to obtain human and civil rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation. We help lesbian and gay men's groups organize, and we are a link to other community groups.
Community Services include: a Hotline for crisis intervention, peer counseling, referral. Education: workshops and conferences on lesbian and gay male concerns, with an emphasis on how people in the "helping professions" and "teaching professions" can work positively with lesbian and gay male clients, patients, & students. Speakers Bureau: phone for information. Human & Civil Rights: information and referral to help people who are being discriminated against because of theír actual or presumed sexual orientation or because of their presumed "cross-gender" characteristics; lobbying for human and civil rights. Community Organization and Liaison: information and assistance in organizing groups, setting goals, addressing conflict, linking with other groups and resources.
Gay Liberation Meetings vary according to purpose; we do most of our work in subcommittees (counseling, groupwork, education, civil rights). Cali for time and place. Gay Liberation includes U-M students, staff, faculty and people from the larger community. We have a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. We're a registered nonprofit organization.
Gay Liberation, co 4117 Michigan Union, Ann Arbor, Ml 48109; 763-4186.