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I LANDS FOR SALE. is I nnHK und_arsjgned is auihoviscd to sell scvc il JL trauts of Innd in the counties o f St. Cía _ I Snginaw, Ranilac, Washtcn&w and Lena wee h üieir c.ish yaUía. and takc in payinent State Sci atití Wn'rriinisai para o,r their equivalent in cna , dij he wií! proportionatc tcrnis on time. Tiie ci l vuluc !ii:iy be asecriained. if desned, by op'prai . ers ehosen by the purehascr nnd subfcriber. i The Woshten.-uv Imu.'s conéist of 118 ocres I thc town oí Webster, püjilitl} improved. of - nnd cboice selccNon. nnd 214 acres 3 miles helo I Ypailanü. un the River Hurón, having rich bo : toni and upper lano's. go'od timlicr. running w . ter, enrn and whént soil. excederá sites for buil ] inir. surraii-rfiíd ly sctilcin. itb. vi íoads nt i miüs. AbjjfcjJO nc;es have been under cultive tion. ' Cn A'S H. STEWART. '7 ff - Jeíle-son Avenue. Detroit. i .VfcÊSliiacry & Oress i?B;ilsííg JMTnA C. BUFFFINGTON, "DESPECTFULLY nnnnniic-s to the in J-V Ifabitahlé or Á'iiñ Arhor uncí vicinity, tKci lie has nppiied :i shop, midvvnv, bptucen th upper tjiul louor villjiges,vvliere tlic luisiness ( .MILLLVERY $ DRGS8 MslKIJVG wiil bp -nnied on, in i]l its branc-licp. wü pnpctuaüty, tlcppaícli, nnd in Mie best and mos fusliionanle styjo. A-nArbir, April 8, 1C43. 50 ly MARCUS STLMNX - SAMUEL ZUG. HAVE loken the in iho lower nd c tlie Wliite Biock. directly opposite tlie Mi cliignri Éxchangc, wherc they will keep ;ui ex ien3Íve assortment of of every kind. qiüiüty. ' and t-cst.-i p'.ion. of thei ■ iwn nraiuifnccarrog; nñd wiinanii-d to beha fasli ioimbje. iTood. and cheap ;;a enn bo liad Wcsi o New Vork. Purchasersaio requested to ccll an examine vv.r estei s'.ve nssot ftjf e'ni le'orc buying Any artide I Fuiuitüre made to order. ai Wtixrnntsd to piencc. UPUULSTORLG done in all 'is varioui branches, and at the cHinrréLt noiiee. CHA1RS. LOOKING GLAfSKS. ANE W J L Í .O W W A R E : Muhagany '.Board. and Venesrs - rs c-lieep ap i-.c rheapest. ín pxrbnnsrf. CIUJUIY. WAÍ.NÜT. .KL nIAPLE LUMBER, fyr. r. Lf, SThVEIstí & 2UG. Detroit, April 17. IÓ43. 5i.-3m TO CliOTESlERS, MJKVUFJCTURBRS iND MERCILIJVTS. Tlir. sul:s i-iincrs are now reccivinir, at tlteii stores. rti .?( iF."i;-!iii Aveni;-.', andcomer-oi Randvlph and Woudbridge aticéis, Detioit, a : l;ire and cinernl stock ol Bye Wooás ëc Bye StwiTs. 35 tons Logvvóod, Futtic. Limewood, iVicar raena, [Jypernic Woud; in the stick, t'.() LbU. ifiound Camwood, J50 do Fustie V2Ö do Logwootf, 100 do Ilfidwoods, 20 do Aluin, G lihds Coppems, 4 do Brae Vitriol. 4 pipes Oiubrc and Crop Madders. prime, 500 Ibs. Extract Logwood, 600 d Bengal, Madras and Caraccas Indigo, S0O dy Blue Nutgalls, (Aüeppo,) 250 do Powdered Cúrcuma, 2(0 do Verdigiis. 10 Carhoys Oil Vitriol, 6 do Aquí Fortis. 4 do Spirits Sea Saltr, 4 do Nitric Acid, 2 cases Lac Dye, H00 Ibs. Banqtio 7'in, 2.',0 do Cream Tartar, 500 do Quercciron Bark. Togetber witb a complete assorlment ofall the minor anieles in the (rade. lo wit: P.ess Papers. Tezle?, Brusbes, Jack?, Tent Ilooks. byc Kettles, Pickt'rs. Burling Irons, Nippers. Prussiaie of Totasb. Sal Amoniac. Sal Soda, Spgar of Lean, Steel Reeds. Card Cleaner?, MACHINE CARDS, Satinen Warps. Shears. &c. Tliis stock has bécn puichascd wiiñín ilie ast iwo weeks, and selrcieti per.on;i!lv by one i tho concern, v. ho hus been in the business For he Iqflt eleven years, and they have no hcMtation ri s;ninL' tliat ihe quality of these soods is u'nixcepiioñ'able. They wiil po.-invly be sold at tiie ou-est New York jobbing priees, with thc adliuon of transportaíion only. The subfcn!)ers have the solé Agency in tbiy 3taie fur liic sr:le of "l'ARSÖN'S SHEARIXG MACHI NFS. '- ind ihe c( lebnted ''ilÉ!CÊ$TER MACHINE CARDS." di'cií'odly t tic liCPt in u:f. THLO. II. EATON, & CO. April li: 1843. 51 f WEIOIjESAIE& RETAJE. S T A P 1. E Jl jy1T7TjY C Y TUK Sübscrílibrs kéepcontanty -n huid j. larL'e and éhilicc SMicIt of DRY GOODR uoors and híio;:s, nnv grocer ÏES, $;. {.;. wliioh iave been felected ui h are, nud are of the newest styte.-í nrid btst qu ili- ■s. As they are determirfeïi not io ba j oíd, they solicit tíie pütior.age of tliose vvi$l)irtg 0 purcfiísp. oíher thincs roo numeroits to mention. hoy h.ive a Inrgeand excellent asfcorrmsnt of íIIEETINGS, DRÍLLLXGS, JUM R STÜPFS, CAUCÓOS, i'ULLKD CLOTHS, SATINKTS. JRDAD CLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, JAMBR.OONS, L(.E.S, :ambrics wtrSüÑS, iíandkerchííofs, te. &c. U'nmrt Ribhons, a vciy berflltifül rssturtiticnt. XluncU, Broche, Silk, and Thibet, of tho chst p;jtterns. J Parasol.-;: of ni! kinds, qunlities, and priees. liase nnd H'iff Host, Co'ion nríd Worcted ! Bonncts, í-eghorn, Tuscan nnd Strow. Thc above rs-ortment of GOODS will le sold v 1 cic;p,.or cheaper iban can be pu:c!iased in etroit. cr Woo!5 Pg-Lsg]2, 7?lur, jh id all kinds of l'KODUCE will be iceeivcrt in ■■ ivment. ABBOTT & BEECHER, 1J4, .TefTeison Avenue. [ July, 12. IS13. (12-if.) De;oit. Cash and Barier Storoi C . .1 . G A Jl C A iN D . ÏAVIXGpurehn8cd the entire títock in trade , of Godfrey and Alien, will be íiappy to ,J j i t upón such as will give liini a cal T'. Hia [. ick consista oí a general assortinent of goods, „ d will be sold clicap. and for rcutly vay only. WANTED, In exchangelor GOODS, most kinds of counl produce, anfl 300,000 L.OUR BARREL SI AVES & IIEADING, whieb. a fair priee will be. paid. Ann Arbor, April lü, 1843. 52-tf. 1


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