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Dear Readers...

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Agenda Publications
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...We trust that you recognize AGENDA s a very unique local publication. In the progressive, grassroots tradition of 'thinking globally, acting locally," we cover issues ranging from AIDS to the Middle East to Salvation City and the Kroger strike. We address topics that other local publications, fearful of controversy, prefer to ignore. Through our calendar, community resource directory, and cultural coverage, we promote the efforts of local groups to build community and support social change.

We are not as confident that readers recognize the potential of AGENDA itself to be a direct organizing tool. Every month, 20,000 copies are distributed throughout the area. A majority of our readers wouldn't pay for AGENDA, either because they cannot afford to or because they are not committed to the values and goals for which we stand. Although they pick up AGENDA only because it is free, in many ways they are our most important audience, for in AGENDA they are exposed to issues and perspectives that they likely wouldn't see anywhere else. Someday they may form an opiniĆ³n or take an action because of AGENDA and that is what organizing is all about.

Our most dedicated readers are those who do share our vision. Realistically, it is these readers on whom we must rely for financial support. Fortunately, AGENDA is a bare-bones operation. It costs us less than $2 to publish one copy of a year's worth of issues. So, for your $15 subscription, you not only guarantee that you will continue to enjoy AGENDA, but you provide the resources to publish another 7 or 8 copies per month for a year that will be read by others who will only read it if it is free. A $50 donation allows us to publish about 30 more copies per month for an entire year.

We know that many AGENDA readers subscribe to a daily newspaper or pledge to one of our fine public radio stations. We all need a variety of sources of information. But we ask you to think seriously about how to best divide your financial support. The large daily papers are profit-making and are strongly backed by the business community. The public radio stations get both government and university funding. We believe AGENDA is the media institution most closely aligned with your values and goals, most likely to serve as an organizing tool, and the one most reliant on grassroots support.

We know that many of you want AGENDA to improve. We do too! We would like to publish bigger issues and more often, and we would like to be able to regularly monitor the votes and actions of local elected and appointed officials. But we can only begin to do these things with your help. We think we have "paid our dues" - 6 years, 71 issues. Let us know that you think AGENDA is worth supporting (see the coupon on the back page). We will continue to do our best to deserve your trust.

-The AGENDA staff


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