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To Our Subscribers

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We woiild respect fully rcmind our subscri bcrs, tliatibe Ibiig expeded and hopeful period, krifcwii by tlie nppellalidö ofifter hé-' vest'' haa now nrrived. This is a kind of nn annual golden nge, when all who are indebtcd flattor.their creditors willi hopos of being ablo to pay, an.d crewtörs fiatter themselves wilh ihe assurance of receiving their lyug expected dues. This pciiodis of the moro inlorest to us. because we stand in the doublé relurton of' debtors nnd.credüors. For some time past, nur expensen of publicafion hnve been forty dtiüars per weck, vyhils our icc ".pts have not avrraged moie tlmn ion dollaVs. The consequence of doing biisiness in this vay is tbe of heavy, liabiüties wluch nniít however, be met at the spccifïed time. Our principal resource to meet these (Iemand.-, is our suHscriptibn üst. This now embraces the names of more then ñfteeu hundied persons, of whom about 1250 are permanent subs-enbers. Of these last, according to onr Icrms, at least 700 are indeb'.ed to-us two dollars or more, ench. The great majority of our sub?cribers nre farmers, and have expected to pay their subscript'ons as soon as they could dispose of their crop8. We trust they will bear this in mind, ond act upón it as a matter of principie. To withhokl two dgllars where it is due and needed, as a little injnslice, and produces a little embarrasf-ment. This little, multiplieti by seven hundred, nmourrts to much injustice and scrious perplcxuy. We doubt not, ho'wover, thal 'the times' have rendered il impossble for many even cursmall dcmapds. We altributc no blame to such, bui anticípate 'they will relieve our nc-ci .siu'.-s with the proceeds oi'thcir firstload of produce. Our receipts for the Signa) will herealter Ie pubüshed every otJicr week, thus supersoding tho necessity of sending recoipts by mail. - Postmasters will forward poymenls for the Signal, if requested. A word to the wise is soid to be 6ufficiept; and if we find by our receipts that our Bubsenbers are wise.we shall not importune them wiih 'wordt-' on this subject.


Signal of Liberty
Old News