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Kc..-p Sdf nee. -Women must n't pray in public, at least not audibly. It is absoJntely forbidden by'the Bible- so Fays the Hopkinton (N. H.) Association of Congrega tional ministers.' Women may not preach.or pray, or exhort- they mny not open tlioir lips to utter any sound audibly'-say tliese w'isemen. This will put a stop to their ymcning-a. bad practico in church. 'Let not your women,' continúes this Assonation, 'in promiscuous rcligious meetings, preach or pray audtbly, or exhort audibly,oi sigh, orgroan,or say Amen, or ntter the precious words, Bless the Lord, or the enchanting sounds, Glory! Glory.' Of course not. It woulc1 be highly indecorous to do any such thing. It is anti-scriptutal for a woman to sigh in church, according to the Hopkinton Associatioti. Methodis t womtin must :i't shout 'Glory "- and Episcopal women must n't the re?ponses froni the prayer Look - and no sort of' women must groan in promiscuous assemblies, though it is difficult to concHve how they can refrain Trom it,under the preaching cf some of our modern expounders of Scripf.ure. We hope the reader will not think we are trying to hoax him. The sentiments we have quoted abovr, were really wiitten by a member of the Hopkinton Aefociation, and approved by that learned body, at their Jaie session, on the 8th of August, 1843. Shull we laugh or scold?- Ch rislian F reeman. Laugh, by al! means Ed. Signul. The Ri7er Amnzon is navigable, without a single obstacle, nearly one thousand leagues from its mouth; yet no Eteamer )ios eieT nscended it all, nor any sailing vessel above the Rio Blanco, about sevcn liundred miles up. One diminutivo steam vessel, of twenty-flve horse power, lies in the river, without engineers or stockers. It was brought by some United States Americans, who proposed to form a company.and with this very madequate instrument to crentea commerctí on the river, and estabiish a eommunication wit'i Peru:but there was no moncy to carry on the company. In 1825, two large steamers were purchssed at Washington, wilh he sanction of theBrazilian Ambnssoderthcre, witha view to estabiish a commercial iniercourse between the United States and the Brazilian territories on the Amnzon; but when they arrived they were not allowed to proceed up the river. The cilizens of the United States engnged in this speculation now claim from the Brazilian government some L30,000 of damages. Tne anniial cost ot the Austrian standing army, is about $27,000,000.Whcat and Fiour--Tbe St. Louis New e Era, of the 22d June, published the foliowinf list of prjces „ Philadelphia, made by a floui 1 hdlise of 50 ycars standing from actual salea : Annual average price of flour jn Phlludelphio ' for 40years, commencing in 1795: 1705, $9 00 1319, $4 72 f 1700, 12 54 1820; 4 78 1797, 8 90 1821. 0 59 1798, 8 15 1822, 6 8-1 1799, lo 15 1823, 5 59 1800, lo 40 1824, 5 11 1201, 6 90 1825, 4 70 1802, 6 85 1826, 5 27 J803, c 21 n7i 5 60 1804, o 09 1828, e 32 1805, 7 so ls29 4 g5 180C, 7 12 I8S0, . 5 77 J307, 5 55 1331, 5 73 1808, 7 70 1832, b 72 1809, 6 G9 ' 1838, 5 20 1810, lo OB 1834, 5 88 131 'f 8 54 1835, 8 01 I 1812, 8 7G 1836, & 06 1813 7 88 1857, g 53 1314, 8 57 1838, 7 73 1815, 9 80 1839, 7 '22 1810, 11 72 1840, 5 07 I817 9 97 1841, 5 40 1813, G 90 1842, 5 28 If our dairy women would jjoncrally follow Ihe Engtish plnr. of moking butter, they would not only improve the quality but increase the quantity. The plan is simply 10 scald the miik imniediately after t is taken from the cows, and then put it away jn shallow pans in a cool place. Thia keeps the milk eweet until all the cream has risen to the top, and greatly improves íhe flavor of the but!er. Mr. CuUiug at his splendid establishment in Waterióun, has a! his butter manufacturad in this way; and it ia of a quality such as we seldotn see in the market.- iforfon Mail. 1Fishing wilh üleJgc Hammers.A person writing from Frankfort, Kentucky, to an eastom editor, states a new mode of fishing-, practised in spiall stresms n Kentucky,during ioc vater. It is ternied "sledge hammering," and is performed by a man wadiiifr about with a sledgc hammer on his shoulder, and to evcry rock whicn he approaches he gives a violent blow wilh bis hammer. Thestunned rLh risc frotn beneath the rock to the surface, and are basketed. The bottom of South Elkhorn, a beauliful streom, obounding in black perch, which afibrds fine sport to the nngler, was i mocadamized last summer by the wondrous ! sledge harnmer, and consequently this season the fish ore very scarce. Inpending Commercial Revolulions The American Minister at Berün Mr. Wheaten, has written a long and nteresting letter to the Nalioiial Institute at Washington in which he save: Two great revohtions in the commercial intercourse of the globe appear to be impending.whicli cannot íail lo be attended with the most important consequences to Ihe progress of civilization. There are Ist. The re-opening the ancient route between Europe and the East Indies, by Egypt and the Red Sea, which must inevitably result from the improvements in sleam nivigation and the founding a new Mahomedan dynasty on the banks of the Nile. 2d. The opening of a new route from Enropeand the United States to the East Indies and the western coasts of America, by an artificial communicarion between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, accross the isthmus which , o-oi.octs + ■■■' cotttnEñtá ur ituuii anïl South America. iInleresting to Wine Drinkers.- Mr. John Tnppan of'Busion, who has been making a recent tour through the vine growing disiricts of Europe, says in oneof nis letters, that it is the custom to gather every thing on the vinos, sound and unsound; and vvhen the vats nre well filléd with grapes, spiders, bugs &c. the boys, Eome vih bare feef, and some in their dirty shoes jump in and trcad out the juice, which runs through holes in tha bottom into casks betieat!). The casks are rolled ofi' to the wine merchant who adultérales the liquor and sends it to the warehouse for ship ment. It is a well known fact, that no pure wine is exported from the vine-growing countries to America. A Novel Challenge - The Boston Atlas says that a Homoeopathic Physician in that city hns sent forth the challenge. 'J pledge nuself to meet any brother M. D. in this city, globvle to pilt, nnd imDartially to test, upon his patients or mine, at his option, tlie comparative merits of the new and old practice-ihe results to be mutually made known to the public. Is not thia a fair proposition?" The Atlas very coolly responds- "Perfectly fair, except to the patiënt?' The Royal Navy consists of 230 vessels of all descriptione, carrying S471 gmis, of which S ate yachts, 14 sea-going line of battle ships, 31 friQtea, S5 sloops of war, S4 smaller vessels, 68 steam vessels, 9 troop ships, 1 hospital ship, and 10 siationary guard ships The force 8t home consists of 780 guns, in the Mediterranean 653, Biazil 451, East Indies 566, Coast of África 293, North America and West Indies 315, particular service L32, Surveying 120, Troopers 58, Lakes 3. This i.3 increasc of vessels, and a deciease of S84 guns during the year. To nuike marking Ink. - Take sixand a quarter cents worjth of Lunar cau6tic, put tinto on ouncephial of Vinegar,cork il and stand it in the sun two days.Rapid Travelling.- A -oarty of gentlemen ' who arrived here at noon to:day to atlend the fiommcncemertt exercises, left Hudsoii, Ohio, at three o'clock ori Wednesday -afternoon' having travelledibe ,yhole distance from there to tfiis place (about 700 miles)' in 64 houra! This is proba Wy the shortest time in which tlíe same journey has ever been accompJished. - JYew Havtn . ■ A Colored D. D. Surrey University in England hasconferred the degreeof D. D. upon Rev. J. W. C. JPkwÍrotowj pastor of the African Congregational Church at Hartford, Ct. The Chriotian Freeman savs: He doserves the titlefar more than twó thirds of those wIjo wear it- though we presume he s the first colored man in the United States that has received it." Money easy.- The banks ín Boston have nearly tlght millions in specie on hand at this time- a much Jarger amotint than ever before. Forseveralyears past the average amount of specie on hand haa been about three and a half millions. Money cnn now be had on the hypothecation of prime securities for S 1 -2 percent, per annum.on demand.or on four, for eix months. The Advertiser, (Mr. J. M. Howard probobly) is very busily engaged in looking over the revised statutes and advising the people what 'offences' agamst chnstity, moralityand decency may be committed wilh impunity .-_ The laws of this State, on this subject, are now, we believe, the same na those wbich exisled in the District of Columbia when the j late whig Congress adjourned !- Free Press. Fnther Mathew was at Manchester at the latest dates, where he had administered the pledge to 80,000 persons. He had obtained permission Trom the Pope to go where he pleascd. He was at Liverpool the week previous, where 30,000 signed the pledge. He intenta to come to this country next year. Wholtsale Swearing.- The followin g reolution was adopted by a Whig Convention in Missouri: Resolved, That we now most solemnly swear before God and the people, ihis day that we are deeply and permanently convinced that under Providence, great and abiding good would result to the people of this Union by theelevation of Ilenry Clay to the Chief Magisiracy. The Ruling Passron.- The Richmond Star atates, that a woman in that city carne so near dying from intemperence, that her friends had a shroud made for her, presuming that she could not live long. She howeverrecovered, and the first thing she did was to hasien and sell the shroud for liquor. Pcacf Establishment. _L. A. Thompson and Co. of Boston, will sell, on account of the Commomvealth of Massachuselts, on the 21st instant, a great quantity of guns, pistola, swords, shot, tents and other munitions and equipages of war, not wanted by the State during this long reign of peacc. Specie of the World. -The entire amount ot specie of the worJd is estimated by Jackobus at 81,900,000.000. In Europe thêre is supiosod to be 1,000,000,000. According to the best is supposed thai the paper circulation in Europo is fourteen times the "pecie currency.Jl Wife.-Dr. Frnnklin recommends a youns man in the choice of a wife (o select fram a bunch, gmng as his rcason, that when there are many diughters, they improve ench other, nnd from emulntion, acquire more accomj plishments and know more, and do more than a single child spoiled by maternal fondness.- This is a comfort to people blessed wïth large fumilies. &%0gS& in England.- The daily pay of the Duke of Wellington, for doing nothing hardly," is L118 44s 6d: and a woman re. ceives.for mamifactnringr tioehe hundred round keadedhobnails, five pence and three farthings! Something of a contrast. The Hon. John Quincy Adams has signifièd his assent to the invitation of the Cincinnati Astronomical Society to deliver au address on thé occasion of the laying of the corner etone of the nev Observatory in that city. An Ïnti-Temperance People.- U is stated that in Great Britain fifty-six thousand bouses arelicensed for the sale of beer and spirits, independent of forty-four thousand beer-shops; making a total ofone hundred thousand. The Joiirneymen Carpenters of Alleghany City, Pa., have formed a 'House Carpenters' Building Aesociation,' and proposed to take jobs and execute them without the interven - tion of employers. This is worth more than five hundred 'strikes' to them, and not eceptionable to any one else.- JV. Y. Tribune. The Effcds'-Unaer the tillnge of slave?, the lands of Eastern Virginia ore becoming worthless. The old settlers have to sell out, and depart with their slaves- the Yankees then go in, with the appliances of free labor, and soon resuscitate the dead. Chcap Travelling.- h costs about $S,to travel from Montreul to New York steamboat, meals included. The time occupied in traveling'this distance is three davs and a half. The fare from Boston to Buflalo by Railroad is 8M. .i A wet siJk bandkercbief, tied without foid■ ( ng over the face, is, it is 8aid, a complete se. cunty against suffocating from stnoke. J permits freo breathing, and ot the same tiai excludes the smoke from the langs. Liquor hanislicd.- Spirituous liquors hare been baaished from the U. S. ehip Levant, except in the surgeon's depnrlment. The officers have abolished tho use of wine, and the crew have stopped íheir grog. Commodore Jone?, who took a petty town in California, is, it is faid, to be taken frotn the line of promotion and luid upon the sheir, with an annuity of $600 per anum, in place of being cashiered- that is, he lias received o elernal furlough. Piethora of money.- Prime buisness notes have been negoeiated in the stree; during the last week at the rate of threo per cent a year, ond itcan be done to aij extent. - J. York Jour. Com. Tftey have begun fi.-iding gold in Texas That settles the fate of the new repubüc, even f it wus not settled before. A gold mine is the greatest curse which can befal any naüon.- Hart. Times. The the three citïe3 of New York, Boston and New Orleans.amounts to 2G,.f47,960, dolls., divided as follow; Nëw York 12,589,103 dollars; Boston 8,000,000 dollars; New Orleans 8,858,857 dollars. Akron, Ohio, has four woollen fuctorie?, and a finii just going into operation. 120,000 lbs of Wool Imve been bougl.t there this season, at an average of 23 cents per pound. The farmers in Óhio are al.-eariy selling logs, deliverable next winter. The askmg jrice is 83, but sales have been made to some ?xtent at &2 50 per cwt. The quaniity of Pork will be about equal to that of last seaoo. Dl: Jilherl Barnes.- This gentleman has een elected. the successor of Dr. ïllchorde, ately deceased, in the professorship of Chns::un Theology in the ai Anburn.


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