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Young Laches' Seminary. MISS E. PAGE, Prikcipai.. Miss West, Tencher in Music. Mis. Huoh8, " Drawing and Painiing. Mra. Saüxdeus, '; Frencli. Mr. F. Marsu, " Lnün. do do " Mathematics. Miss L. Ward. " ThePriinnry Depart'nt rjHE eiisuing lerm of Miss P's. Seminaiy X cuinnienceson Tuesday. 29th inst. TERMS OF TUITiOiV. In the English branches, from 2 50 to 4 50 perquirter of twelve weeks; Lessor.s ou the Pi-, ano, with the use of the inst.-ument, $10; Örawing and Painting. $4 50; Lntin. $:? 00; Frenoh, $3 00; Fancy VVork, 3 0u; Board. 1 5U; Wasliing and Ironing, 37J cents per dozen. No pupil will be received for leasihnn one quarter. and no deduction will be made for ubBonce except in cases of il! healtii. Among the Books used in School arn - Paley'a Natural 7'heology ruid IJvuk-nces of Christianity - Abercrombie on the Intelíecíuál and M.iral Powers- Kame's Elementsof Crilicigm Whately's Logic- Ja;nison's Khenuic- Mrs. Lincoln's Boiany- Parker's iVatuial Piiüusopiiy -Comstock's Chemistry and Physiolpgy - Bv.i - ritt's Geography of the Heavens - Pheíp's Legal Classics - Rolfin's Ancieni líistory wiih i Butler's Ancient Arlas-PIayiairs Euclid- Davie's Algebra and Arithmetic, with Coiburn's ' Mitchell's Geogrnphy- Goodricli's History U States. ' All the friends of Education are requesfed to visit the school on Thursdays, when the lessons of the past week are reviewed, and comnositions l read. The Superintendent of Public Instruciion. the „ Professors of the University. and the Clergy of !. Ann Arbor have consented to act as a visiting c committee to the School. = As the most deels" ve testimony in favor of any institution. is to be obta'ned from those who aro ' best acquainied with the sufijecls upon which it i' opérales, Miss P. refers for information to the „: parents and guardians of her pupils - a catalogue of whose names will be furnished to those inrere6ted in theenquiry. JS-tf. cGRASS LAKE ACADEMY, AND TEACHER'S SEJI1NARY, THE Trustees of this instiiution would infonr the public that its Foiirth quarier vi!l commence on Monday, the 21st of August next.- Consider-ng the general depression of business, and embarrassed state of financial concerns, the number of students have far exceeded theirexpeotations. This fact. together with the genera! satïs.action givan, warrant tbem in the belief thal prospenty and usefulnoss wül crown this enterpnse. Knowing the value of a permanent teacher , they have inadearrangements with Mr. BARKIS, the present Principal, by which stability will be given to the school. TUTTI ON. For the common English branches. L3 00 TheNatm-ahind Mathematica! Sciences. i$4 Oö Tuilion to be paid at the mlddle of 'each uuar" ter. Board may be had in respectable families for $1 00 per week. Rooms may also Ie had for those who wish to board ihemselves. The Trustees of this Acadeniy nre bout erecting a large anrl commo.fious btiildinjr. deaigned to embrace Chapel, Recitftion, a;id Library Rooms; and also to accommodate from 40 to 60 students with private rooms. FOSTER TUCKER. Secretary of the Board. Grass Lake, August 2. 18-13. 18-4w. UliülJEiei'y & ]rcss iTaaliing-. Mrs. C. BUFFFINGTON, "D ESPECTFULLY announces to the in-L habitants of Ann Arbor and vicinil)-,tha ene hs opened a shop, raidway, between th oPper and lower viJJages,vheré fhe business o MILLIJVERY DRESÜ MAKIJVG will be carried on, in all ifs branches, wit punctuality, despatch, and in the best and mos fasbionable style. AnnArbor, Aprils, 1843. 50 ly Cash and Barter Store. C. J. GA RL AND, HAVINGpurehased the entire Stock in trade of Godfrey and Allen, will be happy to vait upon such as will give him a cali. His stock consists of a general assortmentof goods, and will be sold cheap. andor rcady pau otñy. WANTKD, In exchange lor GOODS, most kinds of country produce, and 300,000 FLOUR BARREL STA VES & HEADING, for which a fair price will be paid. Ann Arbor, April 19, 1843. 52-tf. JAMES Ct. BIRrVJEYT AT TORNE Y AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. 6AGANAW CITY, MICHIGAN. JG. B. will also act as Land Agent in the . Land District in which this (Saganaw) ■ County is; he will make investments fpr o'thers lands, pay over for non-residents their taxes, and give nformation generally to persons interested in this part of the country, or desirousof becom. ing ïmmigrants to it. CHARLES II. STEWART, MTORNEV ANO COUNSELLOR AT LAW AND " SOLICITOR IN CHANCERY, JEFFER3OW ÁYESVE, DETROIT. 4y-tf. ;


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