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GODDESS STUDIES HOUSE TO RENT. Unique opportunity for CRAZY WISDOM offers a complete astroExperiential classes in Alternative Health ay male : or couple. In the country near Ann logicalchartpreparation service, 206 N.Fourth (with hands, herbs, crystals, colors); Arbor. If you want a quiet place and love Ave., 665-2757 Ecofeminisrn (polit. rituals to save p.anet); L Greg at (313) 930-8686 (leave pREE EAR AND NOSE PIERCING_ Fem.n.stW.cca (levéis I-IV); message) Gateway to África, 107109 Fourth Ave., Goddcss Studies (multicultural archetypes f rrn CAI C 668-6944 in ritual); Wgi8m& rvn J"LC éjaaiiis Psychic Dcvelopnient (auras, healing, past HOUSE FOR SALE by owner Near HOMES BY HIRTH: Custom builder exhyes, OOBEs); Arborland. Two-bedroom ranch with den, perienced in remodeling, additions, custom RituaIandtheArts(dream-catchers,ongami, dining room_ ,ving room ong fu„ bath homeSj decks phases of your buiIding o i-u i u w. . i and garage. $90,000 range. 971-7913. remodeling needs. Cali 662-8212 for special Women's Self-Help Health (menstrual f f f winter rates Free estimates tracüon, self-pelvic exam, cramp control); REAL RODS. Custom, hand-built fishing Women's Rites of Passage (visión quest). rods p spin orcasting rods for real fishing. SCHOLARSHIPS: The money is out there! Mon-Sun eves & Fn-Mon morns beginning CaI1 665-9540. Let us do the research and help you get the $ weekofMar22.S80beforeMarl5,$1001ate you deserve! Cali 1-800-676-1950 registration. Cali 665-5550 for details. f DCDCrtMAl C ï CPERSONALS, CfÓÚJÍñiEROilil YOGA AT DAWN, finish in time for work! SEATTLETEACHER: Alternativeed., arts, " "" Invigörate! Inspire! 6-7:30 amWedncsdays travel, langs, envir., moving to A2. Seeks LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD - Join at Unitarian Church. All levéis! Drop-ins infocontact walt.' ed. community. Sue tne Ecology Center's member activist prowelcome! First class free! Info. 769-8556. Santone 1711 14 Ave Seattle WA 98122 gram. Cali 761-3 186 for more information. CCHD DCMT Send phone #. SEEKINGCARTOONISTS.distributorsand -SLL INTERESTED IN ATLAOTIS, secret soOtoñal assistant, Cali AGENDA, 996-8018. ROOM AVAILABLE in seven-person cietjes, pyramids, magick, all things wierd & etarian cooperative. We share cooking and esoteric? Help form occult study group Cali VOLUNTEERSNEEDEDattheWildflour chores. Friendly group. Reasonable rent. No bo[,i 475.9660. Bakery. Volunteer discounts! 208 N. Fourth smoking, no pets, near Packard Food Co-op. Ave. 994-0601 . Cali 761-2509. JjB I i $2 a line or fraction thereof (30 units per line). WjTdyB I ei" Deadline: March 21 for April issue. H I Payment (check or money order) must accompany ad. HLAhJUaüflHH I a Mail order form or stop in at our office at 220 S. Main St. (in back of Elmo's T-Shirts). I 'AGENDA reserves the right to reject, cancel, modify, classify, or re-classify any ad. ■ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: AGENDA, 220 S. Main, Ann Arbor, Ml 48104


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