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What Do You Think? Write Us!

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What Do You Think? Write Us!

If the truth is to be told, AGENDA receives surprisingly little mail from readers. We'd like that to change. Over the past year we've made substantial changes in AGENDA'S format and content, and we'd like to know what you think about it.

Among our new additions are video and music reviews. Do you like John Carlos CantĂș's video picks? How about the music analyses by William Shea and Tom Rule?

Arwulf Arwulf , our most consistent feature writer, takes a bold, alternative approach to addressing issues such as drugs, art and sports. His articles are meant to challenge societal norms. Is he right on? ...or way off?

We pride ourselves on covering stories that the corporate news media ignore. What do you think of our choice of topics? Is there a subject that we cover too little or too much?

Do our short etcetera articles provide you with useful and interesting information, or is this section a waste of space? Is there something that we could do to make our calendar more useful to you? You can directly affect these AGENDA sections by sending us notices and articles to insert, but you can also write to complain or compliment.

The bottom line is - write us. We take seriously what you have to say. And without such feedback, it's harder for us to properly evaluate our work and maintain high standards of journalism.

Your letters are an important link between AGENDA and a loyal readership. Letters to the editor are your forum in your newsmonthly. Submit!


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