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TO WOOL GROWERS ; WOOL CAUDIXC. % CLOTU DRESSING THE Subsciibers rcspcctfully announcc to tlircitizcns of Ann Arbor and vicinity, thri t!v y ;iij preparéd to cnrd Wool and drfiss Clotl lor customers, in the L.cst stylc. and ;u the sliori est notico. Rnying good inachinery, expuriencec workmen, and long prnctice in the business, thcy Ikivc ihe utmost confidente ihnt thoy sliall givi ampie BaiisfacfiOR to thoso v lio favor theni wit] 'heil" patronage. Wooleai Facfory. Thesubseribersluiveon hand FULL CLOTU S and FLANNELS, inanufactured by ihemselves. - ALSO- A lnrge ninount of SaUnetts of n s pcriorqutili'y wlnch lliey purpose to excliangc lor wooJ. TEJIMS. One yard of Cloth will be given for two and tliree (ourtli pounds of wciol n the fleece; tho cloth to be of the same quality the wool wil make. - - One yard of flannel for one and a half pounds of wool. Thankiul for past favors, the subscribers would rcspectfully solicit a share of public ])atronage. J. BECKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor, August ál. 1343. 17-tf. CELEBRATED CHEMICAL PLASTER, The most eJJ'ectual remcdy yct discovered for Mhevmatism, b'cver Sores, White Swdlings, Injlammalioii in the Eyes, Sicdled Throal in tScarlet Ferer, Quinscy, i).c. $c, TUE CHEMICAL PLASTER isnn important remedy for those who are afllicted with chronic and intlainmutory coinplainls, by iis easing pain. counteracting inllainmation, and giving speedy relief by its active, Btrengíbening, ano dyne. diaphoretic and counterirritant properties an elleetual remedy for Chronic and Jmflammatory Itlieumaiisin. Ague in the Breast. Sculds, Burns, Biuises, Scrofula, Ülcers, Oíd Sores of alinost every description. Cankeied and Swclled Tiiroat arisingfrom Scarlet Fever, Felons, "White Swellings, Chilblains, fcc. Persons sufluring from Liver Complant., Pul mona ry diseases, InBarhmarfon of the Lungs, with pain in the side, baek or linibs. wül iind relief ly the use of this Piaster. In all cases it niay be used with perfect safety. E. DEAN'S CHEMICAL PLASTER 6 ïut up in boxes at fiiiy cents and one dollar 2ach, with full directions accompanyinr cach box. Vlanufactured and sold wlinleale ly II. I1ARÍIIS & CO.. Ashtabula. Ohio. sole projirietors, O whorn all orders should le 'oddressed. Suld ilso by their Agente throughout the country. ÏÏITA liberal discount made to dealers and ph icians. tlFor testimoniáis and cerlificates from perso of the higliest respectibility, who hnvc used tl Chemical Piaster, see another column of this p per. For sale by the following Agents in Michigan H. W. Rood, Niles, C. Larrimore, " C. Sbannhan, Edwnrdsburgh. Wm. O. Austin, White Pigeon. Isnac Benham, Jr., Conatanrine. Danl. L. Kimberly, Schoolcraft. H. Bi Huston, & F. March. jr PM Kalamazoo James W. Cothren, P. M. Galesburph. T. L. Bolkcom. P. M. Batt!e OeekJamcs M. Parsons.. P. M. Marshall. V?iü.imiymtl rIiWTütoifcal;"fl1 - ; - i Hale and Smith, Grass Lake. John C. Winans, Sylvan, J Milierd & Son, Dextcr. Thomas P. May. Jr. Plymouth, Perin & Hall, Northville, Mead & MnCarthy. Farmington, Peter Van Every, Franklin, Julins Dean, Pontiac, Mack & Sprague, llochester, James Stcphens, Utica, E. C. Gallup, Mt. Clemens, G. & J. G. Hill, } _ John O wen & Co. $ Dl!trt"fDr. Thos. M. Sweeny, Dearboinville, L. Sainson, Ypsilanti, J. U. LUND. ti3SS3&&82&! h


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