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WOOZ.ZSNT TWH-. subscnbers wouIJ inform the public thni ■t rínfjy re now manfacturing WOOLEN OL.U 1 H wuh a degree of success equal to thcii mostsanguine expectotions. With thc machín ■ ury they now have, they are able to manufacture írorn ,5 to 100 pounds of wool per day. The cloth they have made for the last thrce monihsis oi the best quality.and that made in iuture will be smnlar. fhey liavc entirely overeóme the dimcuHies of starting an establishment of this kind ín a ncw couniry. Their terms are 37 cents per yard for fulled cloth finished. or half thc cloüi the wool will make. Ifany aheration of the turms sliould be deterrnmed on, public nottee : willbe given. All wool reccived before such notice ís given will be worked on the above terms. If Miy wtsh to have their wool worked without rnixing U with other woo!, it will be done ptovided they assort it themseives, and turnish it ín quantities of 100 pounds of one q-uality of wool. It ís much better to sew up wool in sac thanto tie it up in blankets; the cloth sliould stronfr. Provísionsofall kinds will be receivod in paymciu íor mariufaetúríhg to tho amount required lor the consunipiion ofthe establishment. Woo! sent by railroad to Scio, will be properly attend edto; the numberof pounds should bemarkedon hesack with inK; aiso the weight of the sack - liie wool will be worked in turn asit comes in ís nearly as can bu dono with reference to the lillcrent qualities. (CT Many ParmeTa hnvc expicssed to us their jrdtification in cunsideration of our startin" this jranch of business, and many have cncouroged us by tin ir patronage during the lastyear. Wo now nviic tul to brin their wool. to thc amount of ioM'O pounds.. .-mdrecoive [he benefit of tho very easonable . terms on which weoflerto manufocurcit. Tho estátlíéKmerrit is 2i milest west oi nn Arbor, on the Hurón. S. W. FÜSTER, &, CO. Scio, April :tt). 18 13. i_tf WOODORTHHOTEI. OKüiKn.v, ÈASTEEN ANDSoilHZRM STACJEHOÜSE. Thc tiiifJersigncd respoctfulJy annonnees to lie public, thnt he is now tho prnprietor of tus wcll known establishment. Tlic house avinrr bcen tbáioagkly overhauled, and retíed ín a manner calcnlated to promote the jmfort of citizons and the travelling public. The house occiipies an eligiblc position, on ie corner of Woodbrido-e and Randolph reets, in a business part of the city. who may honor him wilh their cominauce, njajr be asured lliat no e'])ense or atntion in his power, will be purcd, to muke eir sojüurii in Detroit agreeabla and ealitifacry. 8-ly] S. D. WOOPWORTH.


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