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This Modern World

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This Modern World by Tom Tomorrow

Panel One: Cynicism in matters political is rarely unjustified... consider, for instance, the G.A.O.'s conclusion last week that the pentagon systematically lied to congress throughout the eighties in order to justify the budget-busting Reagan arms buildup...

...and not only that, Senator--but the soviets have also developed a weapon which can turn us all into flesh-eating zombies! Honest! 

Panel Two: Consider too that while conservatives eventually left the country saddled with a four trillion dollar deficit, it is damning accusations of liberalism from which Bill Clinton must flee--going so far last month as to hire ex-Reagan pitchman David Gergen-- to help me sell me deficit reduction plan is a man who helped sell you the deficit to begin with! 

Panel Three: And more recently, to follow in George Bush's footsteps by bombing Iraq--Always a guaranteed crowd-pleaser in this country...

we have compelling evidence--that this will boost my approval ratings! 

Panel Four: Predictably, most Americans did approve of the attack--though there were a few...well...cynics...

So Biff--explain to me again the moral distinction between killing civillians with car bombs and killing them with tomahawk missiles...?

You're trying to make some sort of point aren't you Sparxy? 


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