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Senatorial And County Mass Meeting At Adrian

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The friends of Liberty of the Counties of Vlonroc, Lenawee and Ilillsdale, are respectfully equcsled to meet in Senatorial Convention, at Adrián, in thecounty of Lenawee, on Saturday, !ie sevcMh dm of Oktober nexl, at one o'clock, M., for the purpose of nominating two Scnaor8 to represent the Second Senatorial District n the ensuing Legislattire; ono of which b to e sclected from Munroc, and the other from jcnawee county. At the same place, hour and day, tho friends of enawee County aro requested to assemblc to makc noininationa of nioinbers for the House of tepresentativos to reprcüent iho frceinen of tlic Coduty of Lenawee, in tho Lcgislative Hall of Michigan, at the next Legislature, and toact sucli business as shall bo brought bcfoic the Con' enlion. For sorne renson unknowr to us, -.hc friendo in Lenawee Countydid not turn out to the Convention which was to be held at Adrián the 9h nst. It was probahly owing somewhnt to tho fehorinesa of the noticc, and the busy scason of the year; it bcingabotit the time the farmers wero beginning to sow their wheat. We cannot account for thcir non-aitendance in nny other wny from the (urt that when we hare liad County Conventions, and other meetings heretoforc alrnost every lown has been represented in tlie county. So few of us met the 9th nst. thai ti-o concluded to put the matter over umi! we Imd our Senatorial Convention, which was lo be huid at ihe same place of our County Convention. nnd do the business all in one day. It is ihcrefortf thought fit by the County and Senatorial Committees to hold boih Conveniions at the timo mentioned in the notice. Jn complinnce with tho suggestioh of out friend in IlilLs'Jale County, wc have concluded io have a general mnss meeting under the title of Senatorial and County meeting, and to procuro speakers, if possible, who will address the uiecfing. Therefore, as tho meeting is of a general charactcr all and every individual íh the second senatorial district are most cordially and respectfully solieiied to altend. It is hoped that no one who has the interest of the shive at heart will even try to make any unneocssary excuse to stay at homo. Who of our prominent frienda will tako upon themselves tha responsibility to rally the friends in their respective Towns and Bi tricis? Will not Messrs. Willy, Carpenter, Allen', Tiendwell. Craric, Tripp, Ilnll, Newell, and Muilekin, of Lenawee County. and Mr. S. Jnckson of Hillsdale, nnd those in Monroe County and in fine all who feel that interest they shotild feel in the comtnon cause oí human rigljis make an unpnralleled eflort to get up an eiïicient meeting? We look to you for your iffditsand your inHuence. The fact is the time has already arrjved for us in this section to be more active in the causé of the oppressed. Wc look around us in other sections of our Península, and we see the friends are nll up and doing, determined, at all hnzbrds, to come ofTvictorious at no very distant period. Nothing is more chuering and encotirnging to liberty men thnn meeting ofttn. If ibis be truc, friends, lel us all meet the second of next monih, and rest assured we shall huve a roviving season. Ey order of the Commitlee,


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