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WOOD! WOOD 1 1 WANTKD immediately, any qunrrtitv of DRY WOOD in paymcnt for the Signal of Liberty. Come soon. Checse. FOR Sale by C J, GARLAND. Ann Arbor, Upper Town, May 5. '13. 2 Sheep Shears. FOR Sale by C. J. GARLAND, Arm Arbor. Upper Town-, May Lr. 1843. C URIOSITY! A Tailor xoo icill noi viultte kis Promisc. Subscnber would inform the Cítízens of Ann Arbor and viciniiy. that he has commcncecl the Tailoring Business, in the Lower Town, Shop over JHnrris. Part ridges & Co'a. store. From pnsf experiencc he teels csnfidcnt that lic can give satisfaction. Tnj Him. J. SPRAGUE. N. B. Cuftrirrg done to order. Ann Arbor, June 1Ö43. 9 - 2m. 'FR.23Ï3 LABOR." MARC US STEVENS % SAMUEL ZUG. HAVE taken the rooms in the lower end of the White Block, directly opposite the Michigan Exchange, wheie; they will keep an cxtcnsivc assortment ol' of every kind, quality. and description, of their own nianufacturing, and warranted to be as fashiouable. good, and cheap as can be had Weat of NeYork. Purchasers aie requcsted to cali and examine our extensive assortment before buying. Any ar'.icle of Furniturc inade to order., and Watanled to please. UPHOLSTERING done in all ts various branches, and at the shurtcst notice. CHA1RS. LOOKING 6LASSES. AND WÍLLOW WARE; nlso, Mahogany Boards and l'cnetrs - ascheep as the cheapest. WANTED, ín cxcliangp. CBERtlY, WALnUT, AP MAPLE LUMBER, cSv. $;. fa. STKVE-NS & ZUG. Detroit, April 17, JS-1J. 5l-3m


Signal of Liberty
Old News