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RAIL. KOAD TEMPERANCE HOUSE. THE undersigjned would respecttully iníorm the friends of Temporáneo, nnd the public gcnerally, thnt theaboe named Housc, formcrly known as llie Temporalice Motel, and siumted on the comer of Michigan avenue nnd Washington strect, ncar the Central Railiond Depot, having undergone thorough repairs and very great additional improvements, is now ready for tho reception of all those who may favor him with a cali. The accoinmodations, in every respect, are not inferior to Temperancc 11 o use in the country, and every attention will be given to such as bestow thcir patronage upon this laudable eiitcrprise. N. B. Carriagcs always in rcadiness to convey passengers to and from Boats and Cars. WM. CHAMP. Detroit, May 9, 1843. 4-ly DR. HALSTED'S BB.XSK PILLS. 2H Pii.i.s foii 25 Cents. THE Brisk Pilis answer thc purposo more cficctuolly for any discase for which any other pill ís recommended, and supersede them altogether in medical excellence and virlue. ]f yon doubt ihis. jtist try will cost yon only two shillings - and then you, with ine, will be satislied. lf they are not what I recominend íhem to be. denóunce thern and put tbein down. for 1 can'not cdriscienfioúsly recotnniend them for ti cure all for every lliing. lint this I do say, without ('car ofcontradiciion, tliat no pills are thcir equal tí removing disensos origihatirig in lïic stumach or bowels. For liver and bitious discuKcs, such as duin aguc, fever and aguc. iniermi.ttant and rcinittant fevers, the Brisk Pilis possess peculiar proporties for their speedy removal. From ten years expericnce as a practising pliysician, I om convinced that none can cqual them. - Read what other pills are good for, and what they will cure, nníl if líic Brisk are not superior to iherii al!, then discard their use. Do not believe all tliat is said about an infallible pill - ihat nev or fails to cure any discase - hut try thc Brisk Pills - llie chcapest pills in use - 28 pills for 25 cents - and ihen you will have a chance to judgo o their mérit ordemerit. As a blood cleanser, anc :i purilier to the discased systcm, they pcilnps supersede every pill in use. They are quick an easy in the operation. giving lile nnd tone to ai (he torpid organs; throwiug off impuro muiters or huniors; lcaving thc syslciu hcalthy and clean. This Ls all tliat any one medicine can do.noiwi hstanding thc great show of words and lietitious ccr tilicates. We are detennined to let these yills stand upon their owu reputation, win or loóse. All we ask is, for a fair and impartial tra'. They can bc taken by old and young, at nny time vvith perfect safety. They are an excellent medicine for cliildrcn. for worms, Sai. In a word, they possess all tíie qualities of an nperienl pill for family use. They have cured many diseases which no othcr medecine could remove. In conclusión I say. do notgive u[ or despair of n cure until you have tried thc Brisk Pills, for they do possess peculiar proporties and virtucs. ForSaiebyS. P. Sc .1. C. .Tcwett. C.'Ebérbach. Ann Arbor; 1). II. Rowland, Northvillc; J. S. Scattcrgood, Plymoutb! J. Dean, "Poiniac: J. B. Dickson, Mi. CJemens; Maitland & Co.. Romeo; Spraguc Xr. Co.. Rochester; Church & Burchard, N. P. Jacobs, J. Owcn & Co., Dotroit. 10-Gin YFSIZ.ANTI ACADEMÏ, II. II. GRIFFEN, Principal. [A competent ouiou wiii mrppty rttc place of UAMAKJNI), who bas lelt towu to loacb.j TUK thirteenth term of tliis inötttuudn wiil comoionce oq Monday, Aug. 28, and continue II weeks. Wliile ihis school is cqually open to all of bolk sexes, who wish to acquire a good education, particular attention wlll bc given to those who are preparing lo tcack. Thc exclusive and uninterrupted attention of the principal will bc given to impart n practical knowlcdge of the English branches, lie oecupics about half ii n hour daily in lect uring, with the aid of the apparatus, minerals, or otherwise. Aitaratl's. - The Institution is furnishcd with Chemical, Philosophical, and Astrouomical apparotus, Surveying Instruments, Gèom'étrical solids, cc, to the amount of .SjiliOO; also, a good Cabinetof Minerals worlli $.r0. Tuition in thc common English branches, including Composition and Declamation from 5it,5Ü lo $3,50. In Philoeophy. Chemistry, Astronomy, History, Rlietoric, jloiany, Altrebrn. Geometry, Surveying, &c. from $4,50 to $5.00. Mezzotinio and Chinese or Theorcm painting. Í3.0J cuclrlor 12 lessons, taught by Mrs. Griflen. Thc luition is lo be paid at the iniddlc of thc term. No dcduction for absence will bo made, nxcept for protiacted sickness, and no onc will le icceived for less than live and a half weeks. - Books may bc had of tho principal at Detroit prices. Board, Including room and washincf. from i ftl. 00 to .$1,50 per week; for further particulars i ■nquire of the principal. Ilev. I. M. Weaa. Rev. H. P. Powcrs, Rcv. O. F. North, J. Fairchild, M. D., J. C. Allen, ] M. D., G. and E. M. Skinner, Esqrs. have y consented to form a visiting committee, to be i resent at the Week reviews on Thursday, and , it the public examination of the school. ( Ypsilanti, Aug. 12 1343. i 5- lv. BOOK BÏNDERY. ; IT THE PAI'EK MILL (i.OWJvR TOWN) ANN ARUOIi. EBOOTH would respcctfully inform thc inhnbitanisof Ann Arbor and vicinity that j ie continúes thc business of BOOK BINDING, t the old Htïind, in the Paper Mili. Old Books i vili be ncatly rebound on short notico. All kinds of RULING done to order. - Country produce taken in paynient. April li), 1Ö4.3. 52-tf. jfiojTJEir to jsje .ts. sp e:. rillE subscriber would hereby givc notice to JL the farmers of Washtenaw, and the neighoring counties, that he has ;ui Oil Mili ow in operation in Ann Arbor, Lower Town, .'herc he intends at all times to buy FLAX iEED, (and other Seeds used in malung Ol,) nd pay the highest pricc, and the best of pay. - )nk Dollar per bushei will be paid for good L loan seed, or, one gallon of Oil giveii for the uno quantity. Farmers are requested to try FInx on thcir ummer fallows, and theroby uvail ihemselvesof t vo crops instead of one. Mkrchants are requested to send in their sced - id exchange fpr Oil in preference to sending to ew York or Boston for it, and thus keep what loney we have in our own State. [45- tf.] JOEL R. I1IDDEN. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, March 1, 1843. )F all kinds ncatly executed at :hc 8igna. Oliicc, at thc uhortcsi notice, and oa the J ost reasonablo terms. Books, Pamp hets Circulars ) Landbilis will bo prnned to order, a. J y lime, with the utmost aceuraey. p O" Ordcra by mail proinptly lillcd.


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