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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: The "One Idea."

Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty: The "One Idea." image
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Messiis. Editobs: - Because the abolitionists are not confined in Iheir ideo to Bank?, Sub-Treasuries, Tariffs &c, like the Whigs and Democrate, but make it a first principie to adhere to the spirit of the Declaration, they are denounced as men of "one idea." Having taken a step in ad vanee of the old party politiciaus, wlio have no very distinct lines of Eeparalion between themselves, and having left them to fight their own battles, in their own way, upon subjects which have for their object nothing more than the loaves and the fishes of the Government, it is not, perhaps, to be wondered at, that tho motives of the aboliiionisls should be mpeached by those who are Jeft behmd. It is not at all surprising thnt selfish politicians, who have long been addicted to habits of mutual recrimination omong themselves, and who look at objects not in connexion with the parfy to which they belong with a jaundiced eye, should descend to the meanness acting out a vile spirit towards those who have stepped from the ranke of "the party." No abolitionist experts at the hands of such Teckless poütical parlies any beJter treatment than they have been in the habit of bestowing upon ench olher. Dut tbcro o ano fi.'r which excites their wonder and mortification. It is that the christian, and especially the chrietinn minister, should condescend to plnce hirnbelf sideby side, with the rankling polili- cian. He also talks largely about the "one idea," of thoae who have taken a step in ad vonce of himself; and he expresses his fears that the "union of the church" will be disturbed by those who insist upon carrying out the principies of doing tinto others as they would others should do unto them. Becanse the nbolitionist is unwilüng lo confine bis ideas of sin to n half-a-dozen object?, stich as idolatrj', theft, Drunkenness, sabbath-breaking, adultery and murder, bui is tenacious of the right and duty of the church to look upon all men as neighbors, and to treat them as such, there is no danger that tbe "union of the church" will be disturbed. Thus, because the abolitionist has found soven objects of prayer' while his teacher has only found six, he must bc 8tiginatized as a man of "one idea.'1 But, we willleave thenarrow minded christian and politician to themselves. ïf they take nny satisfaction in leaning upon popular opin ion, by counting the fuvor of the majorities in the rear, while they cast the poisoned javelin at those in ad vanee, they are welcome to


Old News
Signal of Liberty