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TAILORI1VG, Will. W1LKIXSOX, CLAIMS the attention of the inliabitants of Ann Arbor and the surrounding country, and intorms them he has located himself the North aide the square, near the Post Office, dpposite the rear door of Gourt House, where he is olways on hand to wait on tVïose who wish to oblige him with a cali. The farmers ore sure' to be suited Wtlh good comfortable fits. All who are more fashionably inclmed can be accommoduted. having received the latest Fashious for Fait and Winter. Cutting done on the shortést noticë, and war-" ranted to fit if made upby experienced hands. Ann Arbor, Uct. 1, 1Ö43. 23-tf. Miver Raisin Institute THE winter term of ibis Jnstituiion wi'l commence the first Wednesday of November' next, and continue 15 weeks. It is plensanüy', situated in the town of one mile cast of the direct road from Tecumseh to Adrián. Rooms. - There are now on the premisos suitable rooms for the accommodation of forty students, which are designed to be occnpiêd' for private sfudy and lodging. Other necessary buildings are provided for and boarding. - Most studeis will probubly board theirselves. Expenses. - Tuition for fifteen weeks, com-' mon branches 4 dollars. Higher Enjilish branches, including Greek and Latin, 5 dollars. Room rent 8 cents per week. Incidental expenses 5tf cents per term. Students are expected to furnish whatever they wish to üse in their rooms except andirons. Students who have to buy their books will da well to defer so doing, and buy them here. The school is open to all applicants of suitable' age and moral charaeter irrespective of complction or conditiori. It is very desirable thaf all who design to attend school should be ready to commence with the term. otherwisc tfere Cúnhot be a regular' classification óf the students. and without such classification comparatively little advancement can be made in study. Any further informatioa respecting the Ihstution can be obtained by addresingr, post paid, JOHN PATCH1N, Princi-' pal, Raisin, Leaawee Co., Mich. Raisin, Oei. 3, 1843. 24-3w. GRÉAT BARGAIIM "READY MADLNCLOTHIN& r HALLO CK RAYMOA'D WOULD respectfully inform the citizens of Ann Arbor, and t;;e State geiierally, that they have now on hand tho LARGEST and CU B AP EST stock of "READY MADE CLOTHING'' to be found at any establishment in this State,which they are detennined to sell at prices lover than' were before offered, and they confidently invite all persons in want of ilRmdij Made Clohhtg," visiting Dcríroit, to cali at their establishment, "Corner of Jefferson and Woidwtird Aceiiuts," n the new brick block, Phocnix Buildings, where they will find every yariety of garments suitable for cenflemen's Fall or Winter wear, and they beliéve at prices from W to 25 percent ckcaper than they Can obtain theinin any other way. Also, a. very choice selection of "Broad Cloths, Cassimeres and Vestings,'5 which they are prepared to manufacture to order n a superior nianner and otyie hot to be excelled tn the City cf New York or Gafments ahvays warranted to fit and pleasc or no saldi Alsóf a very heavy Stock of DOMESTIC CLOTHS. PILOT and BEAVER CLOTHS. BELGIC CLOTHS, SÁTTINETS. WINTER TWEEDS, and every variety anddescription of goods suitable Jor gen-demen's wearing appard, all of which shall be" sold vsrplmo for cash, or exchanged rbr Produce" at market pricee. All ihose wishing Bargains in any of the above' nrticles are invited to cali nt the "FASHIO VABLE CLOTHING EMPORlUür' of the subscribers, Cor. ot Jefferson and Woodwarrf Avenues, Detroir HALLOCK & RAYMOIÍD. Detroit, Sept. 28, J843. 23-tf.Administrator-s Aïotice. THE undersigned having been appoinied by. the Judge of Probate for the county oV. Wwhtenav, adminisirators on the estáte of Joeinh Beckley, Jale of said county, decearsêd, and hnving given bonds as requiied by law, hcreby give notice to al! pe.-sons indeluëd ld said estáte to make inimediite paymcnt ta tiiem, and all persons having daíms agáinst Said éstate to present (hem properly attestcd fpr adjüstment. HINERVA BECKLEY. Ailministratrix. LUKE BECKI.'EY, Administrator. Ann Arbor, Sept 28, 1842: 23-6 Strayed F ROM the subscnber, in the tottn of Saline about &c 20th öf July last, two yoke of Red Oxen. One yoke were o1 Iarge size, and one oí them a palé red. ví'uh a ropc around bis horns wlien they went away. The other yoke Vere of mrddüng size, and one of them had a white spot rrí the and sorne white on one of his liind leg.. They are abont ten years oíd. Whoever will return s;iid oxen, or give intormatiun wherc they may be fonnd, to Mr. Ford, ot to Mr. Van II usen, in Saline vil- lage, of to the 6ubseriter in the towñ of Highland, Oakland county. shnll be liberolly iwnrdcd. ' HUIAM BAKÍIETT. Octobcr 2j 1843. 2S.


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