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Cass And Van Buren Counties

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We publisli this week Ihu proceedingg of the Liberty Convenlion for these Oouhties.- Rpporia from tlwt section of country spenk well for our cause, nnd a large liberty vote niay bo expectetl. A valued friend writes us from Cass County, Oct. 3: lI read with plensure the Signal from week to weck, and most heartüy npprove Us undeviating coursc, and most choerrully pledge rnyself to assist in Us support. The cause is onward in this región, the eflbrts of Brothers Gurney and Bement were very much blessed, in Niles, (from wliicii office I receive my Communications,) most eignnlly eo, many old prej'idices removed. Dr. Bement was most happy in thechoice of matter for thnt place, he spoke more than 2 honrs to a perfedly quiet audience. Snme pprsnns who seemed to liave bhmdered in.for we did not expect to see them, were spell bound, one of theso eaid to me what mnde you cali it an Abolition lecture? in fact not knowing what abolitionists believp, wns ostonished to find ony thinjf to npprnve. Should the Dr. again v6Ít Niles, he would speak loa crowded assembly."CCSenator Tappan, of Oliio, proposed last fnll, when the tarifFbill was under discussion, to insert in it a clause. that whenever it was sntisfactorilv proved that ony foreign nation hnd passrd aws to admit our fcfCom, IV heat. Fiovr, Porie and Beet f ree of duty, then II duties on mercliandize from that nition slmnld bc reduced, so thai none should exceed fwenty per cent. Tho nmendment wns votod down: fíEvery ivhig Senator voting against it, and every Democratie Senator voüngfor il. - Frec Press. This plan of the reduction of duties to twenty percent, on the udmission of the producís of the Northwest into forfign por Is free of dnfy, was oripinnted by Mr. Lkavitt, Editor of the Emancipntor. We referrcd to it at tbe time 08 one of the best means ever devised for provuling' a foreign market for our immense agrricultural surplus; and we expressed our convictioT that the people wou ld yet cali our Senators to account for that vote. They voted against it exclusively on partí grounds. It hsd been determined the bill should not be altered as it carne from the Hoiisp, and so our Whiff Senators went aeninst all amendmenfs, however beneficia! they might be. Tliis clause auth'irized the President ro issue his proc!amafion whenever the duties shonld be removed in foreign countries, diminishing our dntipg to twenty per cent. thim placing it on the Fimplest popsible basis. If foreign nations availed themselves of the offer, a foreign market would be secured to na immkdiaTely; if they did not, the clause would be inoperaMvh, and of course perfectly harmless.We regret llie r stilt, and e repeat our eonviction thnt the Whg Senator?, fïum pure party zea, dpfeaied the best plan that lias brrn devised to promote tl e interests of Pre Labor. But what enlightened lepislalion infnunr r ru.-. i,..t.,. uu uc expected Trom n party whose grent aim is to elévate a Slavebreeder lo the Pre.idency? There is anoilier to be remembered in ronnection wilh ihis. Both of our Senators iré Detroit lawyprs, acrustomed only lo books, uiefs, hig-l) salaries, and aristocratie usaces. what should they know of hotrg, Jard, tallow ir benf? What is it to them that their consrituonts are about their oiilv yoke of "nUed steer?, or two or three fat hngs, beina i II they have, and want to gei as much as iossible for all the many days of care and nbor spent upon them? Such Senators would bc likely to knoxv or care but littJe about Ihe -elf-(]en_vinLr excertions by which their humble constituerts endeavored to get a pmall imoiint of sjtdIus producís for the market.o supply ihe wants ofJieir families, and pay hem $900 for travelling to Washington and jack; nor is t at a I probable vvhile mmglíng n Washington with Southern Slavebreeders and Northern politicians, that they would have much interest in the fact that the pnnr man's )eff would bring two or three cents n pound, or whether the dozen or twenty hushels of surplus grain Le hml raised by the most patienl industry, should or Bhould not be sold at a remunerating price. 05a" The world expecls more of Liberty men than of othera. When Whigs or Democrats ptay awav from tlie polls by scores and nindreds, t is considered all well enough, and the blnme is passed over to Gonerol Apahy. But if two or three Liberty men slay nt home, so that the pnrty vote s reduced cver po Jiule, the news is trnnipetted far and near. 'The Liberty party is dying away,"' eay they. fust think of the falling off in the Liberty vote in Vermont last ycar. Every Whig pa)er in the country fnm Maine to Missouri published the news as evidence that the Liberty movement had reached its last struggle. Fust so il is in every town where two or three Liberty men are absent from the polls. It is Koclaimed by the politicians, and believed iy many, that a deficiency of a few votes in that locality will be the destruction of the Liberty party with i!s sacred, heavenendorsed )nnciples. Now, since more is expected of Liberty men than of others, let them do more. Let them be always present in duty.


Signal of Liberty
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