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Votes! Votes!!

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While we are gratified at the zeal and devotinn manifcsted by our friends for tlie cause of Equnl Rights, we much fear they do not appreciate the importance of what ore considered certain minor pnrticulars, which yet are indispensable. For instance, ihere is the matter of votes. Of what avail js it to make speeches and nominnfe condidatss, unlessthey are voled for? And they will not be voted for unless ballots are provided and dUtributed in , season. Let those whose duty it is see to ie that they are printed and dislributed before the elcction, nnd that some are kept at the polls ihroiighjhe election days. Some one sbould be inconstant attendance to supply those who noed Liberty tickets, and not trust tliem to the euro of VVhigs or Democrats. or boys, or any but Liberty men. Will Libert men altend to thip, rememberingr Ihat our cause stands chiefly in the estimation of many according to the numbfir of votes it receives?(tTAt the recent Liberty Convention in New York, Alvan Stkwart wns renominated for Governor. A considerable portion of the Convemion were for Judge Jay, and the nierits of the two candidates were warmly diecussed. The principie objection to Judge Jay was that he had uever yet demonstrated he was a I.iberty pnrty man hy attending single Liberty meeting-. In our opinión, this was a valid object ion. However excellent he inny be in other resprcts, it is absurd to noininnte a condid.ite for a party who wil! not identify himself wilh those who are to oupoprt him. CC?They had a great celebration at Rochesier loiclv on th; occasion of thp mmiwl agncammo Knir. Mr. Van Buren, Go v. Bouck, anci Daniel Webster were there. Tlie nnmher of persons present was estimated at 30,000 or mnre. Dnniel Webster made a speech on apricultural matters-a sort of superficial ad caplandum affajr, in whicli he treated of the duty of Government in reference to Agricultnre. Ile thought that af er secnrinp to everjr one the proteclion jf the law, the first duty of Government was to give en rasy Uanrnission of agricultura] producís to the place of sale andeonsumption. and next, government must provide an adequate market.- This it enn do to a great exrent. He wound off in favor of a home market and & proteclive Tariif for ngriculture.'


Signal of Liberty
Old News