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Arts Issue Was Narrowly Focused

I read AGENDA every month and I respect your arts editor, Orin Buck, and I am pleased with how the magazine has grown over the years to become a serious alternative to the other printed media in Ann Arbor. That is why I was so disappointed by your summer Arts Issue.

I enjoyed the artists' statements. But, on the other side of the issue--the public and commercial side--you have only one view. My letter is in response to this oversight and to the stated opinions of what the public and commercial issues are.

For Arwulf and Jacques Karamanoukian to speak of and for the "Art Scene" and galleries in Ann Arbor is ludicrous. Jacques' "Gallery" is in his home, open only "4 hours" a week! Is this the serious dedication and sacrifice in promoting contemporary art that he expects of the other galleries? No, it only perpetuates the nervousness and inaccessibility that many people feel towards art and galleries. I believe that accessibility is ver important, otherwise how do you teach, how do you make changes, how do you hae a voice in the community, how do you enlighten and enjoy?

In the visual arts, artist and gallery work together to promote art. Without the artist there is no gallery. They both have their struggles and sacrifices. The gallery makes public what has quietly been made in the studio. It is the responsibility of the gallery to make the community aware of what the artist has made. Our culture (and every culture throughout time) is defined by what it creates, what it leaves to history. It is the vision of this gallery to make the artist's work a vital part of that history. As a gallery we work hard to support the artist and in return we are paid for that support.

Today's artists and galleries do not, and will never "do it just for the money." There are a few superstars (as in any field), but the vast majority of artists work. What makes a good artist today is the willingness to sacrifice, to work hard and consistently, and never give up. by doing this the artist develops ideas for a unique voice that will touch others.

It is the voice and unique vision that I want to show in my gallery.

Alexa Lee

Ann Arbor


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