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Several prominent Tylcr papers are advoClltilio- thp n.l..."' - - Tv'" lniu run uilion lo save it from becominor an anti-slavery dependencv of the British Empire. It is supposed thnt President Tyler wil) recommend the nnnexation iniiis (nessage to Congrpss. - He is quite desirous of signnÜzing his ad mwiisinili'n by sume remnrkiblu evenf; nnd iIip addjtion ff n ti-rrilory larire enouali to inake Uiirty Stntes as large as Massaulmsetts, wonld certüiiily be a remarkable cvent in our tiationa] history. The Whijrs are trying to gct Liberty votee on the grotind thal t!ie Whig candidates for Congress ate opjiosed to ihe annexntion of Texas, whi'e the Democratie nominees vvould favor it. Now on this we remarle, 1. Thnt we do not knovv positively that eiiher of these assertions are true. i. That the scheme, if nttempfed at all, ill, wil] probiibly be tried throngh the treatvinakmer power of ihe Sonate. 3 That the Whig Anti-Texas circular, whicli we published 6ome time pince, was siffned by only nbout twenty members of Congress ont of rnore than. one hundred tnd flfty. This did not display any great zeal of the VVhig party against the annexntion! 4. The only real secnritv against this resull lies n the intelligence, firmness and good sense of the people.Qf Mr. Labra nchb, member elect of Cnngress froni Looisihna, lateiy killed Mr. HuéPion, nn eduor, in n duel. Tlie Philndelpliia Sun, the Spirit of tlie Time?, the Pitfsbtirgh Age.nnd othcr nble papers, are discus - sing whetlicr Lnbrawhce 6hould Be pennitted to tnke hs seat in Congress. They are unaaimou8 against. t, because his hunds are imbued in human blood, bocausc it would sanction duellinjr, because a murderer should not be a )aw maker, nnd bpcause the Constilution would be outrnged by suoh an nct. Do not all these reasons npply to the elecüon of Mr. Clay to the Presidency? (t?" Hon. S. M. Gatks, late member of Congress from New Vork, has given in hts fn'lndhesion to the Liberty party. Alpo,Lewis Tappan has done the snme. It will be remrmbered thnt Mr. Tnppon was opposed to the fnrination of tbe Liberty party from the bezinning, and wrote an article which had an ex'ensive run in the Whig papers, rntitled, "Piftepn reasons against the formation of a Third party." It scems he has found stronger reasons noiv for sustaining it. Our neighbor of the Journal publfched thefe reasons. Will it now inform its readers of the fact that the author of ihem has been convprted, thus giving the highost possible lestimony in favor of that doctrine he onceopposed. ff?" The Executive Committee of the Connecticut A. S. Society have tranáferred the Christian Freeman, to VV. II. Hurleigh, who is now editor and proprictor. It is an excellent in per.


Signal of Liberty
Old News